MR. THUMPYSHARTS Dual Wield Physical/Pierce Gun Tactician

Welcome to the Complete Build & Leveling Guide for the MR. THUMPYSHARTS Dual Wield Physical/Pierce Gun Tactician. This build is great fun for new players, easy to play, can complete all campaign content with self-found gear, is solid for farming Ultimate, and uses GUNS GUNS GUNS! If you’re looking for a fun ranged shooting build that is nimble, scales well, and allows you to blast enemies from a distance, this is the place!

JAN 2020 UPDATE! Click here to see a detailed announcement by the Guide Creator about the issues he encountered with the Grim Dawn Community, Forum Moderators and why he moved his guides from the Grim Dawn Forums.

The GrimTools link is available at the bottom of the guide.

Gun builds are some of the most fun in Grim Dawn, blasting targets from a distance and piercing hoards of enemies, often killing them because they can get close. One of my favorite builds is the Dual Wield Elemental Purifier, and was the first build guide I did. Since then, I’ve wanted to do an alternative gun guide for a build that’s solid, fun and capable of pursuing end-game content.

The reality is gun builds are always going to be squishy and aren’t really hardcore viable when it comes to pushing end-game content. But for those who want to play a gun build in softcore, this rocks, and I believe is stronger than its elemental counterpart.

Featuring great pierce, physical/pierce damage and internal DoT trauma, while the play style of this build is similar to the Purifier counterpart, it has better survivability and hits certain enemies a lot harder (due to being physical focused).

I am also including an alternative build provided by a friend that focuses on a different devotion and gear setup with an OA ability in excess of 4,000. I’m sticking with the presented build for this guide because I built it from scratch and took it to 100. It’s solid and works great!

The initial inspiration to make this build came from Siritron, who gave his blessing for creating this guide. A shout out to him for being a great streamer and Grim Dawn player!

Before we begin, I recommend these mods to anyone playing Grim Dawn, especially new players. Note none of these mods cheat or change the core of the game – they just add quality of life:

GrimInternals (
This is hands down the best mod currently out for Grim Dawn. Automatic component pickup and monster name/labeling with legendary drop Sound FX are just a few reasons why every Grim Dawn player should have this.

GD Item Assistant (
This mod allows the player to store an unlimited number of items they find. This is fantastic because it supports “account building” with extending storage to be anything the player feels is important in the future or for another build.

Item Color Filter (
A fantastic visual modifier to the game that shows item prefixes and suffixes in colors based on their damage/resist/skill type. Extremely popular and valuable. Note this is for the WanezGD Tool, which auto-installs and manages the rainbow filter. Download the setup.exe for the Tool.

Resistances are everything in Grim Dawn. If you die, it’s probably because your resists were low. Below is a list of recommended components that are commonly used throughout the leveling process:

Components List

  • 7: Wardstone | 7% Elemental, 15% Bleed Resistance | Amulet & Medal
  • 15: Silk Swatch | 18% Pierce & Bleed Resistance | Shoulder, Chest & Leg Armor
  • 15: Imbued Silver | 20% Chaos Resistance & 15% Bleeding Resistance | Mainhand/Offhand (Toggled Item Skill)
  • 15: Purified Salt | 20% Aether Resistance | Mainhand/Offhand (Toggled Item Skill)
  • 15: Antivenom Salve | 20% Poison & Acid | All Armor
  • 15: Unholy Inscription | 10% Vitality, 15% Bleeding | Hand Armor
  • 20: Runestone | 12% Aether & 12% Elemental Resist | Head Armor
  • 20: Soul Shard | 20% Vitality Resistance | Ring, Amulet, Medal
  • 20: Mark of the Traveler | 8% Movement Speed & 10% Slow Resistance | Boots
  • 24: Sanctified Bone | 18% Vitality, 12% Chaos | Chest & Head
  • 24: Aether Soul | 16% Aether Resistance | Amulet & Medal

Augments are the most important thing for end-game and require honored or revered reputation with a faction to access them. Rule of thumb: as soon as you hit Honored with any faction (which will begin to happen in Elite mode), immediately buy the Writ (for 88,000 iron) that doubles your faction gain. This will help you get to Revered much quicker, and give you access to the necessary augments to help your resists in Ultimate.

Augments List
The factions a player gets Honored and Revered with first are generally: Devil’s Crossing, Rovers, Homestead, Black Legion, Order/Kymon, and Coven of Ugdenbog. I’m listing some of the most popular defensive Augments below for reference, which can greatly help in surviving both Elite and especially Ultimate.

  • 40: Arkovian Rose Powder | 10% Elemental Res | Rings/Amulet | Rovers Honored
  • 40: Slith Venom | 15% Poison, Acid & Bleeding Res | Rings/Amulet | Devil’s Honored
  • 40: Gazer Eye | 10% Aether Res | Rings/Amulet | Devil’s Honored
  • 40: Corpsefiend Tentacle | 10% Vitality Res | Rings/Amulet | Devil’s Honored
  • 40: Divine Flame | 10% Elemental Res | Rings/Amulet | Kymon’s Honored
  • 40: Blessed Ashes | 15% Fire & Lightning Res | Rings/Amulet | Kymon’s Honored
  • 40: Consecrated Silver | 12% Chaos Res | Rings/Amulet | Kymon’s Honored
  • 40: Necrotic Flesh | 15% Bleeding Res | Rings/Amulet | Order Honored
  • 40: Chillheart Powder | 15% Cold & Vitality Res | Rings/Amulet | Order Honored
  • 70: Venomguard Powder | 15% Poison & Acid Res | All Armor | Rovers Revered
  • 70: Nightshade Powder | 7% Pierce & 10% Cold Res | All Armor | Rovers Revered
  • 70: Bladeward Powder | 10% Pierce Res | All Armor | Devil’s Revered
  • 70: Mogdrogan’s Touch | 10% Poison & Acid Res, 7% Vitality Res | All Armor | Devil’s Revered
  • 70: Kymon’s Blessing | 15% Fire Res | All Armor | Kymon’s Revered
  • 70: Kymon’s Conduit | 15% Lightning Res | All Armor | Kymon’s Revered
  • 70: Demonbane Powder | 7% Vitality & Chaos Res | All Armor | Kymon’s Revered
  • 70: Mankind’s Vigil | 7% Aether Res, 7% Chaos Res | All Armor | Black Legion Revered
  • 70: Kingsguard Powder | 7% Pierce Res, 10% Poison/Acid Res | All Armor | Black Legion Revered
  • 70: Flameweave Powder | 7% Pierce Res, 10% Fire Res | All Armor | Homestead Revered
  • 70: Solarstorm Powder | 10% Fire Res, 10% Lightning Res | All Armor | Homestead Revered
  • 70: Wraithtouch Powder | 15% Cold Res | All Armor | Order Revered
  • 70: Spiritguard Powder | 10% Vitality Res | All Armor | Order Revered
  • 70: Spellward Powder | 10% Lightning Res, 7% Aether Res | All Armor | Order Revered
  • 90: Coven Warding Powder | 7% Elemental Res | All Armor | Coven Revered
  • 90: Coven Black Ash | 8% Pierce and Chaos Res | All Armor | Coven Revered

This is a new and critically important feature introduced with Forgotten Gods that allows the player to convert set items to another item of the same setAnd it works with BLUE (non-legendary) set items! The quest to unlock Transmute is given by Kargon in the Conclave of the Three. The quest unlocks after you’ve progressed to the Oasis area. The Tome is found on Canen’s Corpse. It costs 120,000 iron per transmute, and uses 1 Eldrich Essence (which is quite rare, so make each transmute count!). Luckily, a player put together a guide on Farming Eldrich EssenceRemember, if you can craft the helmet of a set, you can transmute those helmets to other pieces. This means you can craft an entire set just from the helmet recipe!

Another technique is to convert a set item to another random set item. This costs 30,000 iron, scrap and crystals (which is a lot cheaper than converting to the same set). A good example of this technique is if you want the Mythical version of a set item (but you have none, and don’t have the recipe to craft the helm), you can take another mythical set item and convert it to a random set item with the possibility of getting a mythical of the set you’re looking for!

This build is VERY easy to play, supporting the simple right-click shooting termination of most enemies with Cadence. The only additional skills used are War Cry, Word of Renewal and Inquisitors Seal. That’s it. So this is great for players who want a simple build that does great damage and doesn’t require piano skills to play and survive.

We utilize the strength and defense of Soldier with the support of Inquisitor. Since we’re physical and pierce-focused, our goal is to pierce, penetrate and DoT with internal trauma. We do add Chilling Rounds and Storm Spread to provide additional elemental support in addition to pierce damage. It works great. Another great thing is with this devotion setup, achieving max resists in Ultimate is a lot easier than it is with other builds.

As mentioned, the General Play Technique is to simply shoot and kill everything with penetrating rounds. Trash often dies in just one shot, and Fighting Form at 12/12 ensures 100% penetration chance. We always want Word of Renewal (WoR) up, and only use War Cry (WC) and the Seal for bosses.

Survival is all about killing most targets from a distance and standing in your seal with Word of Renewal. Make sure you have an instant movement skill on your medal, like Glyph of Disorder. It can make the difference between life and death in some boss fights. This build is designed to be mobile as well – with tough bosses, you’ll have to regularly run/teleport out of the way of big hits (the Seal simply won’t be enough), so be nimble and be quick! The good news is your DoT damage from Internal Trauma will continue to tick on your targets as they run around chasing you.

Rotation for Trash: Cadence shots. That’s it. Most trans dies in 1-3 shots, and if you crit, the bodies go flying!

Rotation for Bosses:: WoR always up, Seal down, start shooting. When boss is in rage hit War Cry. Tank as long as you can and then teleport (with a movement skill, like Glyph of Disorder), put your Seal down and start shooting again! That’s really all there is to it.

Final Level 100 Stat Distribution: 58 Physique, 49 Cunning. Note: depending on your gear, you MIGHT need some points into Spirit to use rings.
Faction of Choice: Kymon’s Chosen


This build utilizes bonuses from two pieces of the Octavius set (Helm and Chest) and then focuses on using two Mythical Havoc guns. What’s important about these two guns (and what makes them critical to this build) is each weapons conversion of 45% of pierce damage to Physical. Two of these guns support 90% conversion, and that’s huge. All the other items are random drop legendaries, many of which are very common. The great thing is there are many other items that also work in their place; albeit not with the same level of effectiveness, but well-enough to support trouncing through Ultimate.

03.16.2020 Update: Thanks to “The_Wall” for his helpful pointer: “Something that irked me was the unlikelihood of ever getting the double Mythic Havoc drops… until I discovered the Fald smith family. I got the first one after 4 rolls and the second after 10 (they now have a variable conversion rate, one of mine has 47%). …point out that you can cash in Ancient Hearts, Aetherial Mutagens, and Celestial Lotuses (with Polished Emeralds) for a decent chance at a relatively small drop table? In rolling for these I also got a Mythical Arcanum Sigillis, Gutripper, and Dagallon’s guns which I believe are BiS for another one of your builds.”

While leveling, you’ll find these items to be very helpful:

  • 14: 3rd Company’s Revolver (1H)
  • 15: Vicious Spikes (1H Component)
  • 20: The Slugger (1H)
  • 25: Guile (Relic)
  • 30: Shadowspine Enforcer (1H) Cadence Support
  • 30: Dustbrawler’s Shoulderguards (Shoulders)
  • 31: Outlaw’s Retribution (1H)
  • 35: Juggernaut (Relic)
  • 35: Devil’s Retribution (1H) Devil’s Crossing
    40: Zeal (Relic)
  • 50: Bounty Hunter’s Shoulderpads (Shoulders)
  • 50: Havoc (1H)
  • 50: Devil’s Cage Hauberk (Chest)
  • 58: Empowered 3rd Company’s Revolver (1H)
  • 75: Seal of Blades & Might (1H Component)
  • 75: Deathdealer’s Sidearm (1H)


At the character’s inception, we put points into Inquisitor to get the Dual Wield and Bursting Round support; then we dive into Soldier and move back and forth between both Soldier and Inquisitor. It is very important to balance the progressive support from both classes to ensure solid damage and survival during the leveling process (one reason there is a lot of back and forth in skill distribution).

Note the below number represent the points you put IN for each stage, not the final value.

Phase I (Mixed)

Ranged Expertise (1) → Bursting Round (Max) → Ranged Expertise (4) [SAVE POINTS UNTIL LEVEL 10 FOR SOLDIER] → Cadence (3) → Markovian’s Advantage (3) → Cadence (3) → Fighting Spirit (3) → Fighting Form (9) → Word of Renewal (3) → Deadly Aim (3) → War Cry (1) → Field Command (1) → Chilling Rounds (Max) → Vigor (1) → Decorated Soldier (1) → Squad Tactics (1) → Break Morale (1) → Scars of Battle (1) → Deadly Momentum (Max) → Oleron’s Rage (Max)

Phase II (Mixed)

Fighting Form (Max) [ENSURE ONLY 100% PENETRATION, NO MORE] → Inquisitor Seal (3) → Steel Resolve (1) → Null Field (1) → Arcane Empowerment (1) → Storm Spread (3) → Cadence (Max) → Squad Tactics (Max) → Storm Spread (Max) → Inquisitor Seal (Max) → Arcane Empowerment (Max)

Feel free to put the rest of the points where you would like. Remember that Fighting Form should only be 12/12 max (with item adjustments). Anymore is a waste, so if you have (for example) 14/12, take those two points out and put them in another skill.


Crossroads (Primordial) → Sailor’s Guide → Eel → Solemn Watcher → Assassin’s Blade (Markovian’s Advantage) → Hammer → Harp (Field Command) → Panther → Light of Empyrion (Oleron’s Rage) → Throne → Azrakaa (Cadence) → Vire [PARTIAL] → Remove Crossroads (Primordial) → Obelisk [PARTIAL]

As covered above, this build utilizes both the Octavius set and dual Havocs with additional legendary (and one Magic) items for support. I am also providing an Alternative build that uses the Warborn set, a single Havoc and a Deathdealer’s Sidearm. This build does have 4000 OA and I’ve been told it can hit for over 1M damage, but haven’t had a chance to test it out – however the source that provided this build is solid, so it’s great for anyone wanting to play an end-game Tactician to consider.

Below are additional complete build guides you might be interested in!

  1. By compass do you mean sailor’s guide? I can not find a compass in the devotions.

  2. Yup! Whoops! Sorry for the confusion; I’ve upgraded the guide. Well, it IS a compass insignia afterall hehe – thanks for pointing that out!

  3. This is beginner’s but includes legendary snd set items? What if they don’t drop?

  4. Yeah I was pretty sure what you meant but I am brand new so just wanted to be absolutely sure!

  5. Also I have gotten used to it but the skills portion would be a lot easier to follow if it was not numbered by how many points you put in at each stage. I have been using the build while leveling putting in 3 points at a time and it is easy to lose track of how many I have put in. If you made it to be how many points the skill has at each stage instead it would be a lot easier to follow while leveling. It seems it is meant to quickly put in the points at max level though not entirely sure.

  6. Am I meant to find these items you list or are they random drops to look out for? I tried looking online for ways to farm for 3rd company revolver but there seems to be no answer. I assume it is just random.

  7. Hey Roneddy, pretty much each and every build in Grim Dawn will have a Best in Slot (BiS) version that has a combination of Legendary items (often with a focus on a Set Bonus) or in some cases, an Epic (Blue) set bonus (such as the Blind Assassin or Perdition set). Blues are a lot easier to find. These builds do show the end-game BiS gear, and it can take new players quite some time to find the items – however I took each build to 100 and tested them with both self-found and BiS end-game gear to ensure they’re solid with non-BiS gear for getting to Ultimate where they can start farming the Legendary items they need. With many of my builds, I got multiple legendary drops on the road to 100 for the BiS pieces the build needed. I hope this answers your question!

  8. Correct; save items that drop from specific bosses (e.g. Kreig Legendary Pieces) all legendary drops are random. The only workaround is to get the recipe for a headpiece, which you can craft and then transmute to another item of the same set. In essence, if you get a head recipe, that opens the door to being able to craft an entire legendary set.

  9. I was actually thinking about this as well and think I need to consolidate the build guides to always reflect the “total value” rather than how many points you put in. It’ll take some time to update the guides, but I think it’ll be the right choice (I will also put a statement before the skill sections that clarifies the values are totals rather than incremental). It could be a few weeks though – currently waist-deep in Path of Exile Legion! 🙂

  10. If you have any guides for path of exile that would be awesome that game is way too complicated for me. I gave up on it in favor of Grim Dawn. Plus Grim Dawn has guns.

  11. I’ve put together overviews of the top PoE builds each league (last was but the guides in the PoE forums are so good, they usually provide what a player needs (unlike GD where people just post a GrimTools). If you have a specific build you’d like a guide reference for let me know and I can post it (I’m pretty familiar with the top guides in PoE for the most common builds).

  12. I was looking for a good archer build but because the new league is all about melee all the builds I could find were outdated and I tried a beginner cleave build I found on youtube but it was really boring to level with and I gave up.

  13. Hi, would this build be viable using a rifle instead of dual wielding pistols? If not, what should be changed to adapt it? Thanks!

  14. Tornado Shot is still doing very well in PoE this league, but there’s no question it’s now the League of Cyclone (which is a ton of fun to play) and Essence Drain 🙂

  15. While one can use a 2H rifle (or crossbow), the DW builds seem to always outperform 2H by quite a bit, so people shy away from them. I know there’s a few 2H versions on the forums, but they aren’t very popular. I remember researching the exact reasons why players shun from 2H – I think it was due to APS and overall DPS in the way having 2 weapons synergizes with the skills vs 2H, but it’s not fresh in my memory. Sorry about that! If you discover anything of note, please let me know!

  16. Well, most builds can be played in Hardcore by experienced HC players, however end-game all comes down to the match of DA, Armor Absorption, Life Leech, Resistances, etc. With all BiS gear this build is pretty solid – 3.1k DA and nearly 4K OA, 100% absorption, and good resists. However most end-game HC people I see running that don’t have crazy life leech are usually closer to 20k hits. I’d say “try it out” in HC and see how it works! 🙂

  17. I’m confused as to the skill progression. For instance:

    Cadence (3) → Fighting Spirit (3)

    Fighting Spirit requires 5 points be placed in to Soldier to unlock. Where are those points listed in the progression above? Am I missing something? Thanks for any help!

  18. Hey JP! I don’t list the base point progression because the guides assume you are putting the points in to unlock the next skill that needs to have points put into it. I hope this answers your question!

  19. First line under Leveling Guide:
    “Final Level 100 Stat Distribution: 58 Physique, 49 Cunning. Note: depending on your gear, you MIGHT need some points into Spirit to use rings.”

  20. Why not take the Fist of Vire devotion point?
    By the way, thanks a lot for the guides, extremely helpful when starting out, really good stuff.

  21. Thanks – I’m glad you’re enjoying the guide! As for avoiding the final point into Fist of Vire; if I recall, we just don’t have the points (the defense from Obelisk is worth each point) and I think the AoE triggers around the character, not the target (which makes it incompatible with ranged attacks). It’s been awhile since I played this build, so my apologies for not remembering the specific reasons — but I do remember wondering the same thing, and finding it made sense to not have the final point.

  22. Hi,

    First of all, thank you very much for all your hard work and supporting GD community.

    I would like to ask for your honest, expert opinion about me and this build.

    I am disabled person with serious vision + coorination problems. I have some experience playing early GD (circa 450 hours) – during first two years when it apperred on Steam. Back then I was less then avarage player – I supported lack of skill with extensive farming. My strategy was to farm for reputation and loot then to move to new location when I started to be quite overlevel. Since original Diablo I always prefered ranged characters. In GD I had only one playable character – max level Gunslinger Brimstone Pyro. As I worked hard and was constantly upgrading my gear I collected all legendary gear I needed and in the end was farming nemesis bosses on ultimate. I was dying often, but I tried and tried again. In the end I killed all bosses exept one rare side boss (can’t remember the name) and Fabius Nemesis. My build was quite a glass cannon and Fabius was one bridge too far for me (tried more then 100 Times :)). It is a good example for a limit of my abilities.

    After a few years of not playing, as I bought all dlcs, I decided to come back to GD. I truly love your buiild. Currently I am in much worse shape then before – maybe 70% of my previous me 🙂 . I wonder if I am able to complete all GD content with that build, including farming on ultimate. As your build seems to be more survival friendly then my old brimstone pyro, I can only hope that I can do it. Yesterday, on veteran, I died twice for level 1 to 8, which sounds bad, but it is quite ok for me.

    My second question is about the gear. My old, Windows 7 saves, all did not work on my new Windows 10 computer. With cloud saves I managed to retrieve my old character up to level 35 and one of 6 mule characters with a little blue gear. Previously, as I focused only on my pyro, I was trading all loot I found for gear upgrades. Now, when I lost previous progres, I have to start from the scratch. Many things changed in GD and I could not find any of older big and serious trading threads I was using. Do you have any suggestions where to look?. I especially worry how to get double legendary Havocs….

    I am complitionist type of player. Thus I would like to fully commit to this buid, even with all difficulties. Do you think it is possible?.

    Thanks in advance for your kind replay.

  23. Thank you for the feedback, and welcome! Veteran saw a big difficulty boost at low levels to make it much more challenging than before, so don’t feel bad about dying so early on. It takes some time to adjust to the changes. Given your personal challenges, I’m thinking a pet build might be a better choice for you – have you looked into MR. CRUNCHYBONES? (

    If you want to stick with guns, you’ll always be a bit squishy. But guns are a lot of fun to play – no question 🙂

    For gear, definitely download and use Grim Dawn Item Assistant. You won’t need mule characters anymore. A link is provided within the build guides.

    I think starting from scratch is probably in order – so much has changed over the years, it’s fun to do every few years anyway. Let me know how things go!

  24. Thanks for your very helpfull tips. I do not feel so hopeless now 🙂

    As I have not died since level 8 (I am lvl 14 now). I will stick to this build. In a few weeks I will try Mr Crunchybones too (never played with pets before). I installed GrimInternals and GD IA, but as I lost all my money with old saves, I could not use IA yet (can’t pay for 4th and 5th sharing bag 🙂 ).

    As you fully developed your character around this build – could you kill all the bosses, including Fabius? (he was my true life nemesis after all) ?.

    I’ve always liked GD community, as it is very friendly and not so toxic, as in other games. As trading is imortant part of GD progression in Ultimate, do you know any good trade threads I could use?. This will really help me in the future, as without it I have no chance to fully develop my character. I liked very much that you show how easly one can get set armor pieces, when you got access to one item from the same set. It is huge. I do not mind some hard work and long (in my case) farming – but how can I get 2 mithical guns without trading?.

    Last issue: would you agree that your build is more survival friendly, when alternative build is more dps?. Can I try both, after respecting? (attributes should be similar I think)

    Thanks again and have a great day 🙂

  25. Unfortunately, the Havocs are world drop only; but they aren’t that rare. The only things you can get easier are craftable set items where you have the helmet blueprint (so you could transmute the crafted helmet to another piece of the set). So with this build, you can craft the Octavius helmet (when you find the recipe) and transmute it to other pieces of the same set. I don’t trade with other players so I can’t comment on the best way to do this – my apologies.

    When it comes to survival, none of the gun builds are at the top of the list – the Skelemancer would have MUCH better survival than THUMPYSHARTS since pet builds are usually a lot more resilient. If you like the play style of THUMPYSHARTS, stick with it until it becomes too difficult (if that happens) — then you can try CRUNCHYBONES for a different experience. Who knows, you might end up farming your Dual Havocs on the Skelemancer! 🙂

    Good luck and have fun!

  26. Thank you very much for all these extremely helpfull suggestions. Chrunchybones as farming machine – that’s a great idea !

  27. Yah I was hoping putting the code into the extended archive URL would work, but it doesn’t. At this point we have to wait until he returns from vacation and fixes the hosting. I believe it’ll be done this weekend.

  28. Hello again 🙂

    As grimtools is down, just a few questions to avoid future mistakes.

    So far your build works great – I am lvl 43 (10 deaths count) on veteran – working on FG dlc and farming rep in act 2 for augments etc. All resistances are around 80, apart from chaos, which is 0. Today I am going to pay for the last sharing bag slot to start using GD IA.

    There are 3 issues I am not sure of:

    1. Attributes
    You wrote: “Final Level 100 Stat Distribution: 58 Physique, 49 Cunning. Note: depending on your gear, you MIGHT need some points into Spirit to use rings.”. So far I put all my points into physique. As grimtools are down and I can’t calculate attributes – is it safe to assume that starting from level 50 I should invest most points into cunning?. With 107 points of attributes, it would leave a very little room for spirit points. Is there any way to respec attributes, in case of mistake?

    2. Instant movement skill on your medal
    As I do not have much choice atm I can only choose from what faction vendors woud sell me. I made some research but still not sure with skill is the best for your build. Maybe “Disengage”?. What about “Rift Tear”?. (I died last time to a boss, as I have no place to run 🙁 )

    3. GD IA
    Is it totally safe?. I plan to backup after each use, on my PC (not dropbox, or cloud).

    Many thanks for your advice and all kind help 🙂

  29. Great to hear! It’s a lot of fun 🙂
    1. Honestly, all Physique works fine as long as you can use the items you need to. You can always easily reset your attributes later on.
    2. I can’t recall the best movement skill – I like the one that bounces you to where your mouse cursor is – Distortion? It really comes down to what you prefer.
    3. Yes, Item Assistant is one of the best tools for the game. It’s amazing. Totally safe and once you use it, you’ll never play without it.

    I hope this helps – let me know if you have any additional questions!

  30. Thanks for you suggestions.

    Started to use IA and it’s great.

    Do you know if one can store multiple items of the same kind (have some double items now)?. Also can I store items improved by components etc. ?

  31. It’s basically unlimited item storage, so yes – you can toss any number of any items in it (including multiples of the same legendaries). Keep in mind each item is technically different since there are different roles. The only thing you can’t stack in IA is components – but that’s OK since we easily stack them in our shared stash.

  32. Level 54 and having a great time with your build. It is getting better and better with levels gained 🙂 .

    1. I studied your build and alternative one. You invested much more points into cunning. Much more then gear requirements. Is it to boost damage? (alternative build invested more into psychique).

    2. You use gear (rings etc.) with spirit requirements much higher then you have invested. How could you even equip this gear?. I am sure I miss something here…

    Once again thanks for this sweet guide 🙂

  33. Glad you’re enjoying it! Nearly every character growth experience is different based on the gear that drops, so some variation of stat distribution is often required – but that’s OK because it’s very easy to respec your stats. As you get better gear, the stats from that gear (as well as the growth of your masteries) raise your core stats, often removing the need for points in alternative stats. So once you’re level 90 (for example) you’ll have many more points in masteries and the stats you needed to put points into equip items no longer need the points so you can put them back into (for example) Physique. The reason we invest in Physique is to raise our health (which is one of the most important things at end-game). I hope this answers your questions!

  34. Yes. Thank you.

    What I was asking in this case was exactly your build.

    1. Why did you invest so much into cunning (damage boost?)?

    2. How could you equip specific gear even if you did not match stat requirements (eg. your rings need more spirit to be used)?

    Best regards 🙂

  35. Ahhh now that GrimTools is back up I can look at it – apologies, I haven’t played the build in months and did so many other builds the details escaped me. Yes, the additional Physical and Pierce damage is why we balance Physique and Cunning (for point distribution). I do remember encountering some spirit issues towards end-game and had to put more points into them – but if I recall I also got around it with a component or two. But it is a bit of a juggling act for all BiS gear, I remember that. Sorry I can’t remember the details better – I do think any player that gets to 94+ and has most BiS will have to tweak the build to some extent to ensure it comes together. Note the Warborn variation has the Spirit necessary in the GT link. I’d have to really dive in to tweak the final build stat requirements, but for now I’d just recommend pumping spirit until you get what you need and adjusting it as you find the proper gear. There may be some new items in the latest patch that also augment the stats – if you find this to be the case, please let me know!

  36. Just killed my first superboss: Rashalga, the Mad Queen on the 2nd try. Thanks again for all your advice and this great build. You can kill even superbosses with this build, you just need to move a lot 🙂

  37. I’m having a hard time with this as a new player. I just completed the first playthrough (level 46 now) and the clearspeed is mediocre.

    I’ve been playing with a buddy who made an Oathkeeper (Eye of Reckoning) and we both started from scratch.
    He’s effortlessly melting room by room without stopping. I deal about half as much damage, and only if all the creatures happen to be in a neat line in front of me.

    When the monsters are just scattered all over the place, it takes forever to shoot them down almost one by one. (or running circles around them and try to line them up, which also takes time).

    The Bursting Round procs ease the pain a little, but I don’t think it gets any better after this in terms of AOE?

    Also, I started this build because it was mentioned that it’s great for new players, but the build also says those Havoc guns are critical to the build.

    You can’t deterministically farm those guns (to my knowledge) so the only way you would ever have 2 of them is if you played the game long enough for those to have randomly dropped, twice. How long does that take? Weeks? Months?

  38. Morning, Nemi! Sorry to hear you’re having a tough time – if I recall this build didn’t start shining until the 40’s or 50’s when I was able to equip some solid blue weapons. My guess is you’re using some lower level green guns – and have you put components in them yet? (Vicious Spikes) One of the nice things about ranged gun builds is the damage goes through the roof once you get the proper synergy. And yes, it gets a LOT better. Ranged builds can often clear packs faster than melee builds, and from a distance. My recommendation is focus on finding some new guns and make sure they have components (and use items that focus on physical/pierce damage). Also, while Havoc’s are random drops, they are quite common. I hope this helps – and let me know how things go! Oh, and Eye of Reckoning is fantastic until you get to Ultimate when it hits a brick wall – without BiS (Best In Slot) gear, EoR doesn’t perform well at all in Ultimate compared to other skills – one reason I avoided doing a EoR guide.

  39. Hey David, thanks for the response!

    I’m using a Devil’s Retribution and rare gun with flat/% piercing damage. I’m not really sure how to “focus” on getting better guns. Anything that drops on the ground usually does -100dps compared to what I’m using. I’m not sure how accurate that tooltip is, I assume it doesn’t account for proc effects on the weapons.

    When I combine all the spikes I’ve found so far (level 47, first character) I can make 1 Vicious Spikes. Seems like it would be a waste to use that on a low level gun? Or would I just Salvage them off my gun whenever I find an upgrade?

    Anyways thanks again. I’ll give this a bit more time.

  40. Yah the Spikes make a big difference, but you have a point – as a first character without a repository of components, I’d wait until your next weapon upgrade. As long as you can progress (even if it’s a bit slow) focus on that. You can also farm them; I think they drop from Briarthorns. Let me know how things go the next 10 levels – I’m eager to see how you progress!

  41. Hey,

    Just finished Veteran . 40+ deaths, killed all bosses. SR – 15.

    My guy:

    I had to farm a lot. Got max rep with all, apart from Resistance, and Vendigo Cannibals. For a very long time my dps sucked – circa 25000 avarage. Once in SR I had a fight lasting 30+ minutes, burned 100 health pots and 20 pro-damage ones 🙂 ; afterwords I felt totally exosted. I struggled till lvl 73, then I had a few good drops – eg. Havoc (23 levels late :). I desperatly need a better gun atm.

    I wonder how crit chance is important for this build. 20-25 seems to be a sweet spot. In my case I had to come down to 18 from previous 26, just to improve survival.

    Your build is a great fun, but also it is, especially in my case, quite damanding – you really need some good concentation and good gear.

    Once again thanks a lot for all you help and suggestions.

  42. Nice – congrats! Yah, a sad reality is all the ranged builds in Grim Dawn are squishy. I think the best survival chance is the purifier (I think AKDong plays Hardcore with his), and while Thumpysharts is a ton of fun, it’s not really hardcore viable. But it is fun 🙂

    You are very welcome – glad you had a good time! Are you going to try another build?

  43. I had a great time and want to push through elite with this build. It is just too good to leave atm 🙂

    2 important issues

    1. I have only a few points left in devotions. Just started Vire. You wrote ” Vire [PARTIAL] → Remove Crossroads (Primordial) → Obelisk [PARTIAL]”. Could you, be more precise, please?. As I got circa 5 points left, I can’t experiment here. It would be extremely helpful if you can tell exactly where to invest points. There are 7 points left + 1 (removed from crossroads). How much invest into Vire and how many points into Obelisk?. Thanks in advance for your kind advice.

    2. Soon I need to start a new build. This one must be extremely solid boss killer/farmer, who would suport all my future builds gearwise. What is my best option? MR. CRUNCHYBONES?. Just want to be a bit more relaxed on Ultimate :).

    Have a great day 🙂

  44. I just realised that devotions are again visible in the calculator. Please ignore my first question. Could you just confirm that what I see is a proper division between Vire and obelisk?. Thanks and sorry for confussion 🙂

  45. If you want a solid boss killer, go with MISS MELTYCAKES. MR. CRUNCHYBONES is a bit more relaxed since it’s a pet build, but MELTYCAKES is the true destroyer of all 🙂

  46. As I finished all the skills suggested in your guide, what would be the best investment for the rest of points? (lvl 88 now). I still do not have much luck gearwise (eg. no good guns), thus your advice would be extra helpfull here.

    Many thanks :).

  47. It’s been a few months since I ran this build, but I would just pursue the end-game buildout that is shown in the GrimTools link – if I recall I omitted the final distribution (e.g. to 100) of points because the rest of the points were show in the GT link. My apologies for not knowing them off the top of my head. I hope this helps!

  48. I took into account difference between your and mine gear (it’s monumental). Now I can tell where to invest. Thanks so much. And once again, great fun this build of yours 🙂

  49. Just finished Elite with this build – all dlc, all bosses killed (almost lvl 100, 72 deaths count). It was a great fun. I do not get any luck with armor bluprints (neither M. Octavius nor M. Warborn), therefore it is really very hard in Ultimate atm. I farmed like crazy – got one decent M Havoc, but the second one, which dropped, had such a bad roll that is only just a bit better then old normal Havoc… 🙁 . Never got Deathdealers Sidearm nor bluprint for M version.

    My character:

    I need to redo resisstances, as I have just started Ultimate.

    Once again thanks for this sweet guide and fun build.

  50. Awesome! Congrats! While ranged builds generally are not Hardcore Viable, they’re some of the most fun to play – are you going to stick with Thumpy for farming, or are you going to make a new character once you hit 100?

  51. I have just hit 100. 5 min. ago finished Slith killing quest in a dirty celler ;). I want to go as far as I can with this build. Next I switch to MISS MELTYCAKES, as you kindly suggested. I want super solid killing machine for boss farming.

  52. Hi I am a brand new player (got bored with diablo 3) and looking for an easy build and this seems like it might be fun and straightforward to someone brand new. I am confused by the Augments though, you list a lot of augnents here but Im not sure what items they would need to go on? Looking at the grim tools sheet I cant make sens of components and augments (not sure what those really are – but for example the chest has “Living Armour” augment and “Solael’s bloodbinding” augment but those things are’nt mentioned in your guide – some help please on how I apply these augments/components (which ones and where? when levelling?)

  53. Hey Steve! Welcome! So the GrimTools link you’re looking at is end-game, and those augments (such as Living Armor – are random end-game drops. The Leveling->Items section shows what early-game components to pursue (such as Vicious Spikes at L15) – those go in your weapon(s). As a new player, you’ll have to start collecting these components as general drops from mobs – getting Vicious Spikes shouldn’t be tough. Most of the components you need during the leveling process will drop off monsters – it’s not until end-game that you need blueprints to craft the end-game components (such as living armor). Certain components only apply to certain items (e.g. weapon, armor, jewelry). Here’s a list of the components in the game including what item types they can be applied to and what they do – I hope this helps!

  54. Hello,

    Working through act 2 Ultimate atm, no surrender 🙂

    As I can make Serenity to work in rotate with Doom atm, could you remind me whose your favourite smith is, or would be for Serenity relic bonus. Thanks :).

  55. Hey, just a quick question on the Devotions. When it says for example “Harp (Field Command)” what does the portion in parenthesis refer to?

  56. Maybe two items armorwise. My current problem is that I can’t find blueprints for any suitable m. armor to transmute. Most of legendaries I got suffer from very low Rolls – eg. my m.havoc, what is crippling my progres. Farming M. Depts treasure trove atm 🙂

  57. The term in the parenthesis is the skill you assign to the devotion action; so you would assign Field Command to the final Harp devotion action point. I hope this helps!

  58. Yup – that’s part of the RNG. And today you could have the Blueprint and Mythical versions of BiS gear drop… or it could be two weeks. It’s always in the air when it comes to farming. Makes the game interesting! Plus you may find BiS items for other builds you could play while you continue your hunt for the THUMPY BiS. Let me know how it goes!

  59. Yesterday Octavius blueprint dropped, from the boss chest in Tyrand Hold. I rearranged my gear and it looks like that, check it out:

    Strange thing I gained a bit of armor, but lost a little health and raw dps (circa 5%). I assume dps gain will come from hidden skill bonusses and damage conversion… (?). While before (Warborn set) my dps record was circa 620000 dps, with 500000 dps avarage during long session, my current avarage dps (with Octavius) shrinked to circa 450000dps. must test it out a bit longer.

    Going deeper into chapter 3 atm, trying to improove my gear…

    Once again thanks for you kind help :).

  60. Looking good! OA >3K DA nearly 3K. You’re rocking! Health is only 1K below total BiS so I wouldn’t worry about that much. Let me know how it goes!

  61. Yes, makes perfect sense thank you! And thank you again for the guides. Going through my first play through and this is a fun yet simple build. No key mashing for skills, just shoot and watch the dmg pile up. I just hit lvl 52 and made it to Malmouth. Any farming spot suggestions for that Havoc gun? Still using that lvl 35 gun from Devil’s Crossing rep and a random lvl 40 rare lol.

  62. Havoc is a random world drop, but the good news is it’s very common; just target bosses and you should get a drop sooner or later. Try to get into Ultimate as soon as possible. It’s better to farm Act I in Ultimate than the end-game acts in Elite (you’ll always get more legendary drops in Ultimate). Just make sure your resists are maxed. Enjoy, and let me know how things go!

  63. Hello

    My final buid:

    Finished all Utimate. Killed all normal bosses. Farmed all nemesis quite easy. Ultra bosses – managed to slay Bourbon. Tried many times to kill Lokarr and Crate boss, but it is simply impossible due to too low dps (funny that my lvl 75% did avg. 55% more dps than my current lvl 100). This build, in the end, is super nice, as my survival chances improved greatly; one can relax playing. But do not expect to kill any of harder Ultra bosses.

    I farmed like crazy, but could not find any further upgrades. On the other hand I collected a lot of gear for Melty including 28 pairs of her final boots :), as well as both lvl75 and mythic Pact sets.

    I would like to thank you for all hard word you put into this project, allowing me to enjoy your great builds.

    ps. Future comments – in Melty section 🙂

  64. I am happy to inform, that I officially fully pimped up this build (can’t find blueprint for the M. Dealer’s Sidearm, though). After some testing, I boosted my dps and res, ignoring further investment into the bar itself. This is the most fun build I have ever played in GM. Thank you so much :).

    My current build:

  65. Nice – congratulations! Yah this build rocks, especially at end-game with the BiS Gear. Are you going to keep playing it to farm nemesis and bosses, or you going to try something different?

  66. This build is great for farming. My second build – Melty (now lvl 84) – has already had all the BiS secured by this farming. It is a nice feeling when all you got to do in the end is to improve rolls on your final gear :).

  67. Definitely! Melty is the strongest of the two – able to do (as far as I’m aware) all end-game bosses and >75 Shattered Realm. Let me know how it goes!

  68. I’ve got my character at level 59 right now with this build. I’m having a hard time deciding whether to stick with the legendary 2h crossbow “Silverbolt” or go back to dual pistols with emp 3rd and emp shadowspine. Next level I can equip 3 pieces of the sharpshooter set as well (rifle, belt, helm). I’m debating transmuting a rifle into the coat and using that and the helm, as I have the belt that gives +4 to steel resolve.

    My question is whether or not I should stick to 2h, since they seem to hit so much harder with cadence. Additionally, having +2 to so many skills seems hard to pass up.

  69. Dual Wield is much faster, which means more proccing of your devotions – I’d go DW if you have the guns – you should notice a substantial difference. Let me know how it goes!

  70. I noticed that, though I wish they’d have made 2h increase the proc rate to balance it out a bit. Similar to how some MMOs do.

  71. Hello,

    This is the first guide I’m following. My first time on Grim Dawn. Says 58 49, isn’t there only 100 levels? Little confused here. Is that how many point I should have allocated?

  72. Hey man!

    Thanks a bunch for the guide, had a great few hours just left-clicking.

    I do have some questions though: I haven’t played too much Grim Dawn so far, got a lvl 37 and now a lvl 22 Thumpysharts and I just don’t understand items and stats in this game. In the guide you mentioned that we deal physical and pierce dmg so it seemed logical for me to look for items which boost these things. And then suddenly its an important core part of the game to have specific items which voncert our pierce dmg into physical dmg. And for some reason we need to get 190% on that?!

    Am I missing something about how conversion works?
    What stats should I be looking for in items?

  73. Welcome! So it’s been quite some time since I played THUMPYSHARTS, but I’ll try to remember. The build revolves around both Physical and Trauma (Physical) DoT DPS. If you look at the equipment for the end-game build, you can see it does convert pierce, but pierce isn’t the main damage source (bring up the path of building and click on the II tab and you can see Pierce is only 133-157). It’s just icing on the cake; so while leveling, focus on pure physical and Trauma damage and you should be solid. For more information, you can go to and look under the “Conversion” section. I hope this helps!

  74. It’s been so long since I’ve run this build, I wouldn’t be able to comment on Zolhan’s vs. the presented build. Try it out and let me know the results!

  75. Hi, ty for answer, but my question was more ” can we use Zolhan’s technique with Markovian’s advantage ?” or one overwrite the other ?

  76. I honestly don’t know off the top of my head; it’s been quite some time since I played the build – try a few things out and let me know how it goes!

  77. Why put a stack of points into chasing War Cry as opposed to devoting more points into Chance to be Used skills?

    Currently at level 35, and to be frank and fair this build has been a horrible slog.

  78. We only put one point into War Cry, and the debuff is worth it. I’m sorry to hear the build isn’t doing well for you – what are your resistances and do you have components in your guns?

  79. It’s only one point into War Cry but that’s on top of the several point invested just to get there. And War Cry seems inherently partial to a melee build dealing with rings of trash mobs; it’s absolutely terrible for an early squishy ranged. I just don’t understand why CtbU is neglected in favour of this sort of thing.

    My build: mostly to the letter, using what I’ve been afforded via drops:

  80. so 58 Physique, 49 Cunning is pretty close to 1:1 ratio for physique and cunning

    so if i do 1 point in each and sometimes spirit ill be ok?

  81. Thanks for putting this guide together! This build has been a lot of fun, and having a blast playing again after a long break. Quick question about the devotion points. For the crossroads, are you indicating filling out the entire constellation or just 1 to activate Sailor’s Guide. Only real question I had. Thanks again!

  82. Thanks for the feedback; I’m glad you’re enjoying it! When a devotion is listed, you will fill it out entirely unless it says [PARTIAL]. I hope this helps!

  83. Hi David,

    First off, big thanks for such a fantastic and comprehensive set of guides. i have a question relating to the zeal relic. the ability it gives require a melee weapon to proc. is it just best to have that one for the passive stats it gives over other relics?

    Thanks Again,

  84. Thanks for the support, I appreciate it! Correct; we use it just for the passive bonuses during leveling, but can’t use the active bonus because we’re ranged.

  85. Awesome, thats what i figured but i just wanted to make sure. thanks for the quick response =)

  86. David, that did help! Thanks for the reminder. A couple of instances where I have seen the build start to shine. Adding the vicious spikes component, although I hadn’t tried them until I entered the Steps of Torment 🙂 and then again when I started adding points to Deadly Momentum. One thing that has also helped coming back, was a build where I really took notice of the things I needed from equipment that I picked up. The ease of the build helps as well, though it continues to dish out tons of damage!

  87. Hi David, im following this build as my first character in Grim Dawn and i just love it, i liked your guides so much that i even picked 4 others builds that i plan to play later XD. You really did an amazing work with all those guides and how well writen those are, dude you are amazing, and im sorry for the trouble you had with the community, this behavior from crate sucks hard and that surely will make me stay away from crate forums. >.<

    But hey, can i ask which of the three cults in forgotten gods should i pick? I just arrived there but i could not find it on the guide, sorry if i was just did not see it tho.

  88. Hey David! Just wanted to thank you for your amazing guides and the amount of work you’ve put into it, i’ve been following this guide for my first char in the game and i just learned so much from it! Really amazing work bro, you helped so many people so much, thank you!

  89. Thanks a ton for the support! If I recall, the choice of faction in Forgotten gods only defines what movement enhancements you can get; I don’t think there’s really any other benefit. I recommend doing a quick Google search on the three then deciding which looks best – plus you can gain access to all of them (if I recall) through each difficulty level. But once again, it’s been awhile, so I can’t remember the details. My apologies for not remembering more. Good luck!

  90. I used this build to hit level 100, so I’d like to say thank you very much for the time and effort you put into making it so accessible. Your recommended levelling gear sections are a great addition that other guides do not include; I had a couple Sluggers already in my stash so starting out was a breeze.

    Something that irked me was the unlikelihood of ever getting the double Mythic Havoc drops… until I discovered the Fald smith family. I got the first one after 4 rolls and the second after 10 (they now have a variable conversion rate, one of mine has 47%). I know you aren’t publishing new GD guides for valid personal reasons, but perhaps you would update this one to give people hope and point out that you can cash in Ancient Hearts, Aetherial Mutagens, and Celestial Lotuses (with Polished Emeralds) for a decent chance at a relatively small drop table? In rolling for these I also got a Mythical Arcanum Sigillis, Gutripper, and Dagallon’s guns which I believe are BiS for another one of your builds.

    Now to find something to build with these damn mythical crossbows…

  91. Thanks for the feedback, and yes – you nailed it! I’ll toss this into the guide. Thanks a ton! Yah, people tend to avoid 2H ranged because the attack speed is just too low (we need to proc ailments and devotions).

  92. First I would like to say I love your builds! I am sorry if this has been already addressed, but I was wondering if I was supposed to be stacking physical damage, or pierce damage (or even maybe something else?) Thank you in advance!

  93. The build focuses on Physical damage first, and Trauma damage second. One way to verify the damage types is to open the end-game GrimTools and look at the 2nd tab; you’ll see what the end-game gear provides. I hope this helps!

  94. Hey, just curious how you are wearing the Black Matriach rings with only 335 spirit? I’m level 97 with only 309 spirit…so thinking I may need to devote some attribute points there.

  95. I haven’t played the build in quite some time – there are ways of getting additional attribute points outside of leveling, and it’s quiet common to “pad” attributes until you get a specific set of end-game gear. I wouldn’t worry about needing to toss 26 points into Spirit temporarily as you continue to gather gear. I hope this helps!

  96. No problem. Yeah I found one of those rings and the spirit requirement is 390-something. Off hand, do you remember any other lifesteal possibilities for this build? I finally got the Mythical Havocs, and tossed Seal of Blades into one. So that extra atk dmg converted to health has been quite handy. Just wondering if there was any way I could add more. Thanks again!

  97. My apologies, but it’s been so long since I played, I can’t remember the details. I recommend asking in the Grim Dawn Subreddit. Good luck, and let me know if you learn about any enhancements to the build (overall) and feel free to share with the other players who are reading the comments!

  98. May I ask why you recommend Markovian’s Advantage to finish out the Assassin Knife devotion? It seemed to me that cadence made more sense. If you could help me understand the reasoning, I’d appreciate it. I’m really having a bunch of fun with this gun build.

  99. My apologies, but I haven’t played the build in so long, I honestly couldn’t answer – my recommendation – try the alternative and see how it performs – let me know how it goes!

  100. First: Sorry for my “English”… and thank you for these Guides. They are a very useful help as a starter in Grim Dawn.

    I had started first with your AAR “Suggestion”. It works as “Farming Char” very very well. She is so strong, most Monsters are more victims than enemies ;). Same with the BWC. Now I had tried this one, but sometimes it’s a bit “squishy” to play and I have problems with bigger Mobs. So I let this one pause for now and instead started with an Oathkeeper/Inquisitor Combo -> 2H Ranged Weapon (I have found some good rifles/arbalest) and its work much much better. Question for the Devotion Tree: I use Sailors -> Hawk -> Bat -> Kraken and then Assassin’s Blade.

    1) Is it useful to take the rest of your Devotion suggestions?

    2) I think it would be useful to translate your guides into German. If you agree, I can do this with 2 of it and then we will see if the pages are called up…

    Btw: You are right: The Crate Forum had the same problem as the PoE one: There are no “Build Guides” for Beginners. Only “Show Cases” and “Dick length comparisons”. I have played PoE for 3 years and stopped it 1/2 year ago, because of this. You must learn everything in a hard way every 3 Month because the Developers change the Game with every new League massively and your Chars don’t work then anymore. This isn’t fun to play 🙂

  101. Thanks for the feedback, Daniel! Unfortunately, it’s been so long since I played this build I can’t really comment on a different devotion setup. I appreciate the offer to translate the guides, but I believe the built-in Chrome translation tool probably works just fine for those who need to read the guide in a different language. Sadly, since I no longer support Crate or Grim Dawn, I don’t have any future plans of additional information other than answering questions in the comments.

  102. Do you put just one point into each Devotion? Or do you finish the “Compass” before starting on the Eel, for example?

  103. The (1) one point relates to Skills. When a Devotion is listed, you complete the Devotion unless it says [PARTIAL] then you only complete what’s in the GrimTools Link. I hope this helps!

  104. Hey David, just passing again to say that i your guides are still the best i ever found for GD, all of my characters are from your guides(mr. whacky, miss meltycakes, mr. thumpsharts, skelemancer) and now im venturing on making a demolitionist/inquisitor using 2h gun and going for that big ass aoe fire strikes, using the demolitionist and inquisitor’s auto-attack abilities.
    Yet thou, you never tought on getting back to grim dawn? im pretty sure that with tha amount of people you have helped with your guides you could pretty sure create a new community for Grim Dawn player here on your own website, should it be not as big as the forums of crate, but yet full of people who apreciate the quality of your work are as well looking for a better and more helpful community.
    I would really be happy if you ever do this, and be asured that a lot of others o as well, but anyway, thanks for putting so much time and detail in helping us with these guides, guides that dont just teach us how to play a character but instead a ton of knowledge from the whole game itself.
    Thanks man.

  105. Thanks a ton for the feedback and support! Sadly, I’ll never come back to Grim Dawn. As I outlined here (, they banned me from their forums without reason and are supporting terrible, toxic people (who are driving good players away from the community). Additionally, they have intentionally ignored all of this and just focused on making money. As such, I cannot support Crate or any of their products. I decided to keep the builds up to help people out who needed a guide for the game so they could enjoy it without having to deal with the community. Once again, I’m greatly appreciative of the support and feedback; I’m glad my guides had such a positive impact!

  106. This is by far the weakest build I’ve tried. I constantly get dominated by trash. I figured by level 62 I should at least have a chance. I’m giving this one up. The Miss Meltycakes build is amazing though and tough as nails.

  107. Yah I remember it was much tougher than the other builds without solid leveling gear and components, but it does rock at end-game with the right gear. Sorry to hear it didn’t work for you at all; I’m glad to hear Meltycakes did!

  108. This was my first build I took to unlock Ultimate for the first time. It was simple, and I disagree with the previous commenter about how squishy it is. I was squishy too around level 35 until I got an upgrade the boosted all of my resists by 25%. Resists are key if you are dying too quickly.

    As a side note, when I first saw your name, David Allen, it reminded me of the developer of the first game I’ve ever played. Later on I learned from browsing the site you are one and the same, the creator of Mordor! I played that game, and its sequel Demise, with my mom for hours on my first PC way back in the early 2000’s. Small world!

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