Sections: Home, Content, Economy, Mechanics, Gameplay, Community & Support, Technical, Conclusion, Resources
TL2 is probably the best single-player ARPG on the market, and you can’t beat the $4.99 sale price currently on Steam and through the Runic website. The diversity and enhancements provided through the mods truly revitalizes the game far beyond its release in September of 2012, keeping it a viable candidate throughout 2014. More importantly, the mod designers show no signs of slowing down at all. As mentioned, the game is just plain fun and it’s a refreshing break from the complex punishing nature of Path of Exile and the repetitive broken end-game play of Diablo 3. While just a few minor enhancements could make a monumental difference to the community aspect of TL2, this game is worth any ARPGer’s time.