Grim Dawn Best Starter Builds 2019

Grim Dawn Forgotten Gods Best Starter Builds 2019

Grim Dawn is one of the best ARPGs ever made, resulting in continued growth with the latest Forgotten Gods expansion, and a very dedicated following of hardcore gamers pushing the internal mechanics to its limits. While top tier build publication is an excellent reality for those who are experienced with Grim Dawn and have a huge repository of legendary set gear, the majority of builds shared with the community are complex end-game builds that often leave new players in the dust, confused and wondering where to start, how to progress, and most importantly: how to equip.

JAN 2020 UPDATE! Click here to see a detailed announcement by the Guide Creator about the issues he encountered with the Grim Dawn Community, Forum Moderators and why he moved his guides from the Grim Dawn Forums.

To help new and returning players, I have put together a collection of ten detailed build guides that are fantastic starters, can do nearly all content, and are capable of farming their own end-game gear. This means the builds perform excellently on self-found equipment and can farm ultimate to acquire the best-in-slot legendary items. Whether it’s stabbing your enemies with giant pincers or cold steel, shooting elemental guns of death, tossing flesh-melting bombs, commanding an army of ravenous undead, electrocuting everything on the screen, smashing with a life-leeching 2-handed club, shooting a beam of aether murder, or summoning mounds of filth to obliterate your enemies, we’ve got you covered!

As a player who loves Damage Over Time (DoT), I wanted to create a solid melee boss-hunting and “melting” build that could do all content and was also capable of doing end-game super bosses while also being powerful with self-found gear (prior to acquiring the best in slot legendaries). This build delivers, and is great at boss farming!

Focusing on Acid and Poison melee damage, MISS MELTYCAKES can embrace both facetanking and hit & run techniques provided through the Nightblade class while also ensuring great DPS and defensive support through high resists, DA and armor absorption. Using Righteous Fervor as our main attack paired with a number of heavy-hitting devotions covering both single target and AoE, our biggest defensive layer is killing everything quickly and efficiently. We also have fantastic resistance reduction through devotions and our buddies from Celestial Presence and Night’s Chill.

Alternative versions of this build have killed Ravager in under 1:45 and cleared Crucible 170 in under 5 minutes.

Gun builds are some of the most fun in Grim Dawn, blasting targets from a distance and piercing hoards of enemies, often killing them because they can get close. One of my favorite builds is the Dual Wield Elemental Purifier, and was the first build guide I did. Since then, I’ve wanted to do an alternative gun guide for a build that’s solid, fun and capable of pursuing end-game content.

MR. THUMPYSHARTS is VERY easy to play, supporting the simple right-click shooting termination of most enemies with Cadence. The only additional skills used are War Cry, Word of Renewal and Inquisitors Seal. That’s it. So this is great for players who want a simple build that does great damage and doesn’t require piano skills to play and survive.

SIR BLOODYDOTS features great crowd control, vitality leech and bleed damage, additional supportive healing (Wendigo & Blood of Dreeg) paired with resistance reduction, this build is a DoT powerhouse that loves shredding everything to pieces. And while everything is bleeding to death, you get the beat on larger targets with your giant 2-handed weapon. The build has excellent AoE and solid single-target damage, and once your devotions are complete, it rips through all of the core content with ease. Oh, and it’s fun!

SIR CRUNCHYBONES Skelemancer Cabalist is a very strong pet build with a mini-army of minions that quickly and efficiently dispatch your enemies while you pick up the loot. I believe this is not only one of the fastest leveling builds in the game, it’s also one of the safest. Your pets (namely Skeletons) murder everything as you run through the content and pick up the juicy loot. Once the regeneration from Blood of Dreeg and the Devotions is established, you rarely have to recast your pets except during tough boss fights. As with most pet builds, ground-based AoE damage is the most dangerous and can quickly kill all of your little buddies, which is why resists are very important. The ground-based Aether damage from AoM can be quite challenging, but once you get the pet Aether resistances up, they do very well. It’s also important to remember when you summon skeletons, it’s random if you get an archer, warrior or mage. Many players will recast skeletons to get a balanced collection of all three while others prefer pure warriors or archers; but this can be difficult to achieve with the RNG-nature of the build.

MR. ZAPPY Wind Devil Storm Totem Vindicator utilizes electrifying totems and wind devil pets to debuff and zap your enemies. I believe this is one of the fastest leveling builds in the game. Your Totems and Wind Devils decimate everything around you, and the general technique is to drop them and run off while they murder the entire screen. Lightning equipment drops like crazy, so it’s easy to consistently raise your damage as you level. The build can be tanky as well with Word of Renewal, Inquisitor’s Seal and Windigo Totem all working in unison; but for those nasty bosses you just can’t keep up on the damage, kiting is a requirement (as is a movement Glyph). The good news is your Wind Devils love to chase every living thing, and your Totems will shock anything in their proximity all while your Storm Box continually zaps tagged targets.

MR. STABBY Blind Assassin Pierce Infiltrator is a high DPS melee build that shreds your enemies before they can break your defenses. This build actually levels rather quickly because pierce does fantastic damage. As with all melee builds, the biggest problem is usually ground AoE, which we have to stay out of. All you need to do is grab the best Dermapteran Slicers from those nasty bugs west of Homestead, and you’re solid! Just make sure you keep your resistances maxed (stun resist is very important with this build) and Pneumatic Burst up at all times (for Shadow Dance, which may be one of the best survival skills in the game). 

COLDYLOX Deathmarked Cold Infiltrator is similar to the above Pierce infiltrator, but has more defense due to its cold damage, freezing and frostbiting your enemies. This build can be a bit slow while leveling and there may be instances where you have to run away to escape AoE damage on the ground. There may also be issues with AoE damage, and it could feel like it takes forever to kill things. Don’t worry. It’s part of the growing process and once you approach level 60, the build really begins to shine. By the time you hit 80 or so, you’ll be destroying everything you come across and Shadow Striking into large groups just to slice everything up like a master chef. Just make sure you keep your resistances maxed (stun resist is very important with this build) and Pneumatic Burst up at all times (for Shadow Dance, which may be one of the best survival skills in the game). 

MR. WHACKY Savagery 2H Vitality Ritualist is a very heavy hitting melee build that utilizes life leech to sustain itself through battle. This build can be a bit slow while leveling and there may be instances where the leech doesn’t support the mini-boss battles. Don’t worry. It’s part of the growing process and once you approach level 60, the build really begins to shine. By the time you hit 80 or so, you’ll be destroying everything you come across. Just make sure you keep your resistances maxed (stun resist is very important with this build) and synergize your leech so you’re never without it. The only time you’ll die is if you stop leeching and you get heavy hitters whacking you at the same time. For bosses that like to freeze or shock you, be sure to have some Ointment buffs ready to counter the affects.

Aether Man AAR Mage Hunter is a fun caster that utilizes a penetrating beam of death, melting everything it can see. AAR is quite strong, easily destroys all trash and melts most bosses. This build is quite tanky as long as the damage is flowing outward and you’re standing in a seal. However, physical spike damage (from bosses like Galakros) can quickly kill you (even in your seal) if you’re not careful (and running solid gear). Lining up a dozen or more enemies that fill the screen (including orange bosses) and melting them in a second or two is like a perfect golf swing. AAR is a ton of fun.

BURN THE WORLD BWC and RoK Purifier is a napalm-tossing boss melting firestorm of death build. This build is so strong to play while leveling, most of the time you’ll just drop your BWC and run ahead, knowing you leave a trail of burning screams of anguish behind you. Your goal is to stack fire and burn damage any way you can while keeping good resists and health. I recommend the 100 health per level rule (e.g. at level 50, have at least 5000 – and at level 90 have at least 9000). While this build can facetank later on with great DA, you are a kiter. You run around and avoid taking any damage, and often kill everything (including mini-bosses) before they even have a chance to reach you. If you do get some great DA and health early on, facetanking with Fire Strike is devastating and you’ll kill bosses 2x (or more) faster. You’ll get a feel for what works or not rather quickly.

Acid Ravenous Earth Oppressor is a very high DPS mobile caster build of melting death. The key items for this build are easily found and farmable as the player progresses through the story. The Bonespike drops from the Mages in Mountain Deeps. This lowers the recharge time and raises the duration of Ravenous Earth. The Leafmane Horn is what converts Vitality Damage to Acid Damage, and drops from the Leafmanes east of Coven’s Refuge in Ugdenbog. While the Leafmane Horn is usable at level 20, most players won’t get to Ugdenbog to farm it until 40 or so; but Ravenous Earth is so powerful it’ll perform just fine before the conversion to Acid. The Basilisk Crest also drops in the same area the Leafmane Horn does (east of Coven’s refuge) from the Basilisks. That is the most difficult one to find, so don’t spend too much time farming a good one until Ultimate; prior to that time, any prefix rolls will work just fine as long as you have the skill recharge adjustor for RE.

Dual Wield Lightning Purifier is a pistol-based gun-slinging ranged build of elemental death. It’s also held as one of the most fun builds to play, but isn’t recommended to hardcore players because it can be very squishy. But the damage is glorious. The standard play style is to stand in your Seal and shoot (I recommend binding Fire Strike to your right mouse button). You can destroy the entire screen in just a few seconds. Use Thermite Mines to lower the resists of hard targets, and hit Word of Renewal while in your seal to regenerate health. If you have to run, run – but know outside of your seal, you are very squishy!

While there are many other top-tier starter builds, I felt these ten builds were a great start to choose from for those who are trying Grim Dawn for the first time, or returning after a long sabbatical.

Forgotten Gods is a fantastic expansion, and I recommend everyone who plays Grim Dawn purchase both Ashes of Malmouth and Forgotten Gods. They’re worth every penny!

If you have a recommended build to add to this list, please let me know in the comments section!

  1. I actually ran a few Archons, but I didn’t find any builds that could perform at the level I felt comfortable with using only self-found gear (e.g. not BiS) at end-game. EoR Archon is very powerful, but only with the complete mythical set (and accessories). If I come across any promising Archon builds that are great for new/returning players, I’ll be sure to create a guide for them!

  2. Thanks for this amazing guide! As a new(ish) player this is amazing for getting up to speed on the game and heaps of new builds to try out. I’ve actually been running a forcewave witchblade which has been pretty unstoppable but I would love to see your take on that if you come back to the game. Thanks again!

  3. Thanks! I actually made 2 Forcewave builds, but found it to be very lacking farming Ultimate without very specific BiS gear – I think it has a lower ceiling of damage than many other skills as well. However when I return to Grim Dawn, I might take another look at both Forcewave and Eye of Reckoning as starting builds that can farm their own gear in Ultimate. Thanks again for the feedback!

  4. this site is great for a begginner like me , because its so detailed .. but need a lot of new build like dw chaos , 2h hard hitter , i know you’re taking a break from grim dawn but i’ll wait

  5. If I recall DW Chaos isn’t very “beginner friendly” (they had it when I stopped playing GD) so I didn’t consider it as an option for “best starter build”. MR WHACKYCAKES is probably one of the heaviest hitting 2H builds in the game, so that should work really well if you want to try a 2H focused build. I don’t know when I’ll return to GD; but when I do, I’ll be sure to put together some new builds! The good thing is all of these builds are still just as viable as they were when I put them together. I hope this helps!

  6. I don’t know when I’ll be returning to Grim Dawn (doing Borderlands 3 and PoE Blight now), but if I recall, a Ret Warlord was not a “beginner friendly” build, which is why I skipped it. I chose the 12 builds in the guide because they were solid from the start with self-found gear. A lot of the GD builds that shine at end-game (such as Ret Warlord) require very specific gear and without it, they don’t perform well at all. I’m sure there’s Ret warlord builds on the GD forums, but I wouldn’t qualify them as good starters for all content with self-found gear.

  7. yeah i see chaos dw is huge damage dealer but i dont know how to leveling , btw are all this build can do in shattered realms ?

  8. Which DW are you talking about? MISS MELTYCAKES is the all around “best” (IMO) for most fun, leveling, and end-game power. For pushing Shattered Realm you want COLDYLOX (Deathmarked Cold Infiltrator). Each can easily do SR 50+ but Coldylox can push it further (I think around 100 if I recall). I hope this helps!

  9. DW chaos witch hunter , DW reaper , DW shieldbreaker , i play with MR WHACKY coz i like to hit with 2h , but in SR he just died easily hahaha

  10. I love your Sir Crunchy Bones build. It makes Skeletons work so well.
    I really appreciate your taking the time to explain what to take at what levels and giving the primer on resists.
    I have yet to find another build creator who takes the time to help from level 1 to 100. They usually just show their final character with a “make it this” type of comment.
    I plan to try the other builds once I grow tired of Crunchy, IF I get tired of him.
    Thank you again.

  11. One thing I’d really appreciate is mentioning which factions to take along the way?
    I did not realize Crunchy needed a ring from Barrow faction so am hostile in Regular and Elite. Going to build a new character to get the ring from them.

  12. Each guide has “Faction of Choice” right under Leveling Guide. The reason I ignored Barrow is because everyone sides with Barrow – I’m not aware of any reason to go against them – but you have a point – new players won’t know this. I’ll put that on my “to do” list for upgrading the build guides 🙂 Feel free to share any additional thoughts that can help enhance the guides – and thanks for the feedback!

  13. David Allen thanks for all those user-friendly starter guides, that can be used with self-found gear. I really appreciate the great work with the leveling guide, even I´ve made it to level 100 with any build so far, but look forward to see more similar guides in the future.

  14. I would appreciate Defiler built. Combination of fire and skeletons.
    Thank you in advance.

  15. Hey Aleksander! I’m not currently playing Grim Dawn and don’t know when I’ll be back, but I bet you’ll find some solid builds in the Grim Dawn Forums or the GD Subreddit. I’d first ask in the subreddit since the forums have some nasty narcissists running the place (the reason I took my builds from the forums). If you do find a solid Defiler build, let me know and I can put it on my to-do list to consider for a future guide!

  16. Dear Allen
    Thank you so much for the answer. Your builds are fantastic. Currently I am playing as Cabalist and have so much fun. I am a beginner and I do not know how effective Difiler can be but I will follow your advices

  17. Great to hear! Let me know how the Cabalist works for you – it’s one of my favorite builds. If I recall, the Cabalist did outperform Defiler variations, but somebody may have come up with something new that I haven’t seen yet. If you learn anything, let me know. Have a great weekend!

  18. Wow, a lot of work went into this. Thank you. I’ll certainly be using it. I just wanted to acknowledge all the effort you have put into this.

  19. I’m using SIR CRUNCHYBONES Skelemancer Cabalist. I’ll let you know when I get to 100. 🙂

  20. As a returning player who never got through normal story due to “doing my own build” thing and subsequently quitting before the game truly started, I really appreciate the work that you have put in to making these guides. Currently following your CRUNCHYBONES build guide and I have flown through the story in such a short time. I will definitely be checking out the other builds until D4 comes out/new PoE league.

  21. These builds have been amazing, but I’m hungry for more! Where could I find those other top-tier starter builds?

  22. Thanks; glad to hear! The only other places I know of that are active with new builds are the Grim Dawn Subreddit and the Grim Dawn Forums. Good luck and enjoy!

  23. Keep making builds for us man! I know there is some BS with the GD forums, but keep pressing forward with new builds! <3

  24. The real lesson people hope to get from reading these guides is the confidence to write their own. To explore the game in the same way as the people who write guides. Going that deep into the inner workings of the game. But shit man, who’s got the time?

  25. Heya,
    thank you for your builds and all the info given! It is a real shame that the GD forum community got that toxic, in general that seems a sad trend overall in game forums…
    That said, I wanted to ask, if Retaliation is somehow viable (overall and in endgame)? Atm I am trying a Sentinel kinda “Plague Knight”, focused on Acid Dmg/Retaliation, but I am worried about the viability versus higher bosses and such :-/
    Cheers, Xibaal

  26. Thanks for the support! If i recall, people put together retaliation builds in the past, but there were some changes that impacted them; also, if I recall, a retaliation build requires very specialized gear. Not sure if they’re still viable, but I know they aren’t new player friendly. Best you could do is ask on the Grim Dawn Subreddit and see if anyone can point you in the right direction. Best of luck!

  27. Hi David,
    Appreciate the guide and really simple to understand guides. I have been playing GD for ages but kept getting to about level 70 and stop playing. Have got my first up to 100 with Mr Zappy build and slightly changed it to a ranged build since I found the Raka Jax and compliments the build perfectly. Hopefully can obtain the mythical version. Absolutely love your work mate.

  28. Thanks for the kind words, I really appreciate it! My two favorites are Crunchybones and Bloodydots – if you try another build, I recommend one of those. Happy hunting!

  29. Finally a set of builds i can understand and follow, thanks for putting time and effort into these. I left originally because all the builds were end game no guides were as good as these for explaining how to properly build them, i came back found these guides and have never looked back. Thanks again.

  30. Ciao, ho cominciato a giocare da circa 2 mesi e ho seguito le tue guide come la bibbia, sono fatte benissimo ti ringrazio per il tuo tempo e lavoro, grazie a te mi sono innamorato di questo gioco.
    Volevo chiederti se fosse possibile avere una guida per uccidere i celestiali, magari con un witchblade, ho fatto quasi tutti i pg che hai pubblicato, sono divertentissimi e spero pubblicherai altre guide.
    Grazie ancora per lo splendido lavoro che hai fatto

  31. Grazie mille per il feedback; Sono contento che le guide siano state utili! Sfortunatamente, non gioco più a Grim Dawn e non ho piani futuri per aggiungere nuove guide; tuttavia sono fiducioso che ci siano guide sull’uccisione dei Celestial nel Grim Dawn Subreddit o nei forum. Ti auguro il meglio e spero che tutto vada bene in Italia!

  32. Grazie del pensiero, in Italia ce la stiamo cavando per ora, il problema verrà dopo quando si riprova a ripartire……
    Per fortuna c’è grim dawn che mi salva dalla quarantena, si ci sono guide in giro ma come le tue no purtroppo.
    Grazie ancora per tutto il tempo che hai speso per aiutare tutti i nuovi giocatori come me,speriamo ti torni la voglia di giocare, altrimenti mi ci vorrà una vita a fare una build mia.

    E speriamo si risolva tutto per il meglio in tutto il mondo

  33. Sei il benvenuto e grazie per il supporto e le parole gentili. Il nostro meglio per te, la tua famiglia e il popolo italiano. Sentiti libero di porre ulteriori domande qui in qualsiasi momento. Buona settimana!

  34. Been trying to figure out how to get into GD for a bit now. All the build guides I’ve seen are very detailed and end game oriented and leave little room for a new player to get into them. Your guides are excellently put together and easy to follow for a new player like myself. I’ve been having a BLAST (pun intended) with the fire and lightning dual wield build and I think I’m gonna try the pet build next for a change of pace. Thanks again!

  35. Thanks for the very informative forum! Very helpful for me since i’m returning after a long while! Thanks!

  36. I wish there were literally any other source or set of build guides that live up to the quality of these here. I’m sad you’ve left the game (although I get why, after reading the post about it). The guides here are literally the only reason I’ve been able to actually enjoy the game, since I don’t have the patience or time to experiment much, and I kinda dislike playing through the early levelling over and over again.

  37. Thanks for the support, and I’m glad the guides helped! Strangely enough, I’ve always enjoyed the leveling process, but I agree – experimentation isn’t what I really do anymore 🙂

  38. Wow, thanks! These builds look amazing. I’m returning from a long hiatus and this is just what I needed to get back into it. Some really fun builds I see here. Probably going to start with Crunchybones or ThumpySharts 😛

  39. Do you know of any Grim Dawn guide makers such as yourself? Because the way you form all your guides… its absolutely beyond excellent. Simple to follow, satisfying to progress through and also made me actually finish the game with kindled interests when i had initially kept the game down for some time. It’s just that i would like to see some more classes that would never be known to me! I also ask this due to the fact that i know you may not want to support this game’s community anymore. I have also stayed far away from forums ever since i started Grim Dawn due to their lack of actual guidance for new players.

  40. Hey Josh; thanks for the support! Unfortunately not – I was hoping some other active players would learn from what I put together and start making new builds, but nobody appears to be doing it. The good news is most (if not all) of the builds are still viable with the latest version of the game. Happy Hunting!

  41. Hey there David,
    Thank you so much for all the hard work you did making these guides. After a couple of failed starts with grim dawn, I finally got through the game and all the xpacks on normal and I am now halfway through elite using your phys pierce dw guide. As a game GD fits me well, more complex than Diablo 3 but less complex than path, and with your great explanations I finally feel like I am starting to have a grasp of the underlying systems. It is unfortunate that the community is toxic, hopefully one day that can change.

  42. Hey David,

    Great builds!!! I’ve done several of them now. I’m just wondering if there are any others that are any other classes(with damage type) that you may not have put up here? I don’t mind having to piece the build together myself. I’m looking for some other fun classes to play that don’t have much trouble playing in ultimate.

  43. Thanks for the support, and I’m glad the guides were helpful! This collection are the only build guides I made. There are others on the Grim Dawn Forums and possibly in the subreddit, but the reason I created these guides was because the others were so terribly written (and many were just end-game snapshots with nothing more). I hoped other players would pick up what I created here (and the support they received from the community) but from what I know, nobody has 🙁

  44. Thanks David for your time and effort! excellent material. BTW, any builds for the “vanilla” version of the game? thanks again!

  45. Thanks for the feedback! My apologies, but I can’t remember what is vanilla (class availability wise) and what is not. I THINK a few of the builds are (the ranged shooting builds) and possible BWC? Sorry I can’t be more specific.

  46. Thx for your job bro !!! Helped a lot, as it did when i was playing poe. YOU stay THE reference for arpg…
    Could you make a sorcerer build plz or link from Somewhere else?

  47. Thanks! Unfortunately, I don’t play GD anymore, so I won’t be making any more guides. The best thing I can recommend is the GrimDawn subreddit; players there might be able to provide a solid Sorcerer build guide. I hope this helps!

  48. Hey David! Thank you so much for your great builds. Sad to see that you’re not playing GD anymore but I will still recommend your builds to others. Stay save!

  49. Hi David,

    Just want to drop by and say Thanks. Your hard work provide more enjoyable experience to the other player. Keep it up, mate! Thanks again.

  50. Love your builds and the great guide for each. Any chance of you returning to GD and updating your builds to version

  51. Thanks for the support! Sadly, I won’t ever play GD or any Crate game ever again because I won’t support a company run by Narcissists who don’t care about and endorse a rotten community. 🙁

  52. Reading the replies from the admins on the forums instantly made me want to get a refund but steam wouldn’t grant it.

  53. Your work is superb. Lot’s of effort and very well written guides. This guides helped me a lot to enjoy more the game.

  54. Hi, David just want to say your build has made all the difference for me in Grim Dawn, but more importantly… My wife 45 for the first time in her entire life is playing a video game and actually loving it. I asked her over dinner one night if she would like to play.. Her first response was I’n not clicking all of those buttons. So she set me the task of finding something without a lot of button and then I found your Mr Thumpysharts build and she’s now almost level 40 and actively clicking a very small set of keys and quite happy. We are COOP playing together and I’m usig Miss Meltycakes and it seems to be working quite well.

    At first she said she would only play one game and only to the end game, but now she has a Corsair HS70 pro; because she did not like the cable from the headphones or them being closed back and she’s moved on from the keyboard to a Razer Tartarus V2; which helps her more easily do her buffs and the like.

    As you can tell I’m incredibly excited and she wants to play every night for 1 – 2 hours. I had to suggest to her we don’t need to play every night and we can take a break and she responded with I don’t mind.

    So your build guide found me something that met her requirements, but then helps me to more easily explain to her what she needs to do and to explain the character to her. I myself am not an exceptional gamer so without your guide none of this probably would have been possible.

    I am hopeful that some day we will move on from Grim Dawn to other games, but for now we are having so much fun together and she’s actually very very good even though she won’t admit it, but she has been talking to her friends about her new gaming hobby; which is something she would have never said before…

    If I may though one question.. Once we have mastered thumpysharts and meltycakes is there another two builds from your set you might recommend that have a good synergy for end game play? I would say my wife would prefer to play at range for now and I can play any class really.

  55. That’s great to hear! Congratulations on getting her into gaming! Honestly, my favorite build out of all of them was Crunchybones; two of those together would probably do pretty amazing things, however the synergy of having a ranged character with a minion build is solid because it’s very high DPS and can avoid aggro, so if she liked Thumpysharts, she’d probably like the Fire & Lightning Purifier (ranged as well). Another build that would go well with Crunchybones is probably the Ravenous Earth Oppressor or the BWC/RoK Purifier. Let me know what you choose and how things go; I hope this helps!

  56. I am addicted to building character. I built a Oathkeeper/Soldier based on some of the Meltycakes advice. Great build so far.

  57. I am a new player, only just found Grim Dawn recently, your build guide is awesome and was sad to read your story about the forums. Trying to find builds that I can understand is near impossible aside from yours and I’ve been using a couple and they are a blast, this one is my favorite so far, just got it to 31 so far so looking forward to the wheels fully turning.

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