No Man's Sky Beyond Ultimate Starter Guide

The Complete No Man’s Sky Beyond Guide

The Complete Guide

OCTOBER 1, 2020
The link is:

Welcome to the Complete No Man’s Sky Beyond Guide! Whether you are a new or experienced player, this guide will show you step by step how to have one of the best starts in the game, which includes unlocking all your slots and making more than 1 BILLION credits and 15,000 nanites in under 12 hours of gameplay; and this is just to prepare you for playing the rest of the game!

November 29, 2019 Update! Synthesis is live! It appears Hello Games changed some market mechanics since this guide was originally written. It now takes roughly twice the looms to crash the market, which means we need to have roughly $15M vs. the $8.5 defined in the guide. You can use the techniques defined herein to make the $15M just like you would for the $8.5M. It will just take a bit longer. Once you purchase the looms with the $15M, everything proceeds as defined; as a matter of fact, we make the Billion faster now (after just 60 or so jumps). There have also been changes to the respawn time of Whispering Eggs for farming nanites. We can no longer fly up and back down to reset them. While the new exact respawn time isn’t known (we do know it’s 24 hours or less), this new change means we need to locate and jump between multiple facilities to reasonably farm them. I haven’t updated the guide to reflect this, but will do so as soon as I get the final details of the new respawn time.

One of the key reasons I built this written guide is while there are numerous videos online that are solid guides, most of them skip key parts, leaving many viewers wondering what happened or what they were supposed to do. This guide includes every single step required to get from starting the game to becoming a full-slotted Billionaire. There a lot of content, but if followed in order, I believe readers will quickly find the steps to be clear, highly efficient and effective.

This guide works for ALL DIFFICULTIES! Whether you’re playing NORMAL, SURVIVAL or PERMADEATH; I’ve updated the relevant sections to address the inventory stack size differences between NORMAL and the other modes.

If you are playing Survival or Permadeath, I assume you are an experienced player, and the parts of this guide we use or bypass are properly annotated. With the stack limitations (250/500 vs. 9999) of Survival and Permadeath, we can’t use the Cobalt mining approach to make our initial $10M to start the Loom process. Instead, we have to pursue farming either Ancient Bones or Salvaged Technology; but the availability of these resources is variable. Sometimes you’ll find them in the first few systems you visit, but sometimes you won’t. I’ll address this below. Also, make sure you get the CARGO exosuit slots before the base slots.

An interesting point about this guide is we will make over a billion credits and unlock all of our slots without upgrading our Multitool or starting Ship. I found it’s just not necessary, and we can progress (while raking in the cash) without having to pick up the mid-tier replacements. This way we go straight from our starting gear into an S-Class end-game Multitool and Ship.

Part I and II of this guide are written using a detailed step-by-step approach to help new players. Part III and VI are more verbose and contain a combination of conceptual steps with selective sections of steps. I hope this approach makes the content herein not only extremely useful, but easy to understand. If you have any questions, comments or feedback, please leave a comment at the bottom of the guide. Also note I will continue to manage and update this guide based on feedback from the community, so it will evolve over the next few weeks as I tweak/enhance/adjust any parts that need to be adjusted.

For Experienced Players: There is content within this guide that will be very useful to those who aren’t starting a new game. Check out the below Table of Contents and browse the materials to see if anything jumps out at you. Part IV has detailed information on end-game play and farming techniques.

For New Players: NMS is a very large and complex sandbox universe exploration game. Even with this guide, the game may seem overwhelming because there is so much to do and understand. Don’t worry; everyone goes through this process. It takes a few days to really start understanding the mechanics, interface and overall breadth of what the game has to offer. It’ll all be worth it in the end. If you find yourself stuck, you can always look at the in-game Guide (press P and select the Guide tab) and select the section you want to review.

Quick Note: some players have wondered why we don’t call the Anomaly in each system to pursue the extra exosuit slot, or why we don’t get Cargo slots before the base exosuit slots. The time it takes to visit the Anomaly and get the extra slot is better spent moving to the next system to flip our Cobalt, and we’ll have 80 wealthy systems we can hop between once we’re a billionaire vs. just 40 (we revisit many of the systems for Travelers and Modules). I don’t pursue Cargo slots in the Exosuit at the beginning just because it’s unnecessary (we’re a billionaire at the end regardless) and to keep things simple and focused for new players.

PART I – The Beginning

What we’ll accomplish: Starting out, Building our first base & Mining, Visiting the Space Station and Anomaly, and finally farming some Eggs for Nanites!

Total combined time to complete this part usually takes between 2.5 hours and 3.5 hours, depending on experience and other factors.

Phase I – Starting Out (15-20m)

Start a new NORMAL game, hold down E to Initialize and let’s do this thing!

  1. Your mining laser will mine more the hotter it gets (above 50%). As you hold it down you’ll see the bar (in the upper right corner) starting to fill. Try to keep the bar at 80% or higher while mining to get more resources. You’ll also see the damage number shooting up as well (100 is max at start). Make sure you don’t keep it at 100% more than a second or two or it’ll shut down from overheating.
  2. Repair Scanner – Use Mining Beam to gather Ferrite Dust
  3. One technique of quick movement is that of Super Flight! While holding W, hit then Q and SPACE. Your character will take a very fast flying leap.
  4. Scan for Sodium (C). Charge Exosuit.
  5. Make your way towards the signal. While doing this mine everything you see: Ferrite, Carbon, Di-Hydrogen, and any Living Plants (they give Oxygen). Also pick up any yellow (Sodium) or red (Oxygen) plants you come across. Focus on Carbon, Ferrite Dust and Sodium. We do NOT mine Cobalt until later when we have our Advanced Mining Laser (which is 15% increased mining speed).
  6. Note we need to mine 1000 Cobalt between now and Phase II. You can find this in caves. If you come across any caves, go ahead and mine the Cobalt (1000 only takes 4 minutes or so). Also keep an eye open for any Vortex Cubes, which provide TetraCobalt (which is VERY valuable – do NOT sell these).
  7. Go to Distress Beacon and Broadcast.
  8. Investigate Ship.
  9. Repair Pulse Engine and Launch Thrusters.
  10. Craft Metal Plate from Ferrite Dust and repair Pulse Engines.
  11. Take Planetary Chart from Distress Beacon and use it. Start heading to the waypoint! Make sure you have Sodium/Oxygen to survive. Go to destination. Farm on your way, also using C to identify Sodium (grab it when you see it). Use Sodium if your resistance drops.
  12. Take Hermetic Seal. Install Visor (1x Carbon Nanotube).
  13. START SCANNING EVERYTHING. Don’t forget to look into the sky to scan any flying creatures. Locate your ship icon and make your way back to your ship.
  14. One method of scanning is to simply watch the left panel for ??? while spinning around at a slower pace. You can also right-click to zoom in on flying creatures that are more than 100 units away!
  15. While running back to ship look for caves. Mine Cobalt and CARBON because you need it to replenish your mining laser.
  16. Repair Pulse Engine (Hermetic Seal).
  17. Craft Portable Refiner (1x Metal Plate, 40 Ferrite Dust). Refine Ferrite Dust to 50 Pure Ferrite. Craft Di-Hydrogen Jelly.
  18. Repair Launch Thruster.
  19. Make sure you pick up the portable refiner with middle-mouse button!
  20. Open any Geodes you have in your inventory (with E).

Phase II – Build First Base (30-45m w/mining)

  1. Launch! Fly to space, test controls.
  2. I recommend switching to 3rd person Starship view (X then left most entry) for better visibility.
  3. Answer communication.
  4. Fly to Signal Source.
  5. Land on planet. Get out and SCAN EVERYTHING.
  6. Use Distress Beacon. Decoding
  7. Acquire Base Module and Geological Tool.
  8. Build Geological Tool (2x Carbon Nanotubes and 1x Di-Hydrogen Jelly).
  9. Scan for Copper; use E to select. If it’s more than 300u away, get in ship and fly to it. If it’s <300 just run to it.
  10. Mine at least 200 Copper; activate geological mine tool by pressing G and use it on it vein. Depending on the size of the vein, you might need to find another.
  11. While your geological tool is active, press R to make the mining sphere smaller; you’ll get more!
  12. Remember to scan all new minerals, flora and critters around your mining site!
  13. If you run out of launch fuel, just craft some (1x Metal Plate, 40 Di-Hydrogen).
  14. Deploy your Portable Refiner and refine the Copper (all of it) into Chromatic Metal.
  15. While it’s working away, continue to Scan and Mine. Focus on Ferrite and Carbon.
  16. Put the Chromatic Metal into your exosuit and PICK UP the refiner!
  17. Minor Settlements are often within areal visual range of your landing spot for the signal source. When you take off, circle around a bit to make sure one isn’t over the hill!
  18. Jump in your ship and fly in a straight line until you find a Minor Settlement. It’s very important you select a Minor Settlement, and not another structure. Minor Settlements are single buildings with a single landing pad attached to it (which will glow green as you approach). You can press “C” while flying to help locate a Settlement. If you are having difficulty locating a Minor Settlement you can land at a large beacon tower, which will direct you to a Settlement.
  19. When you land at the Minor Settlement, we’re going to start crafting our base!
  20. Build Base right by the landing pad (on the ground). Use the computer for the first time and claim your base.
  21. Use the Base Computer again to claim Blueprints.
  22. Build 1x1x1 Shelter. One Floor, Three Walls, One Door, and one Ceiling tile (200 Carbon, 10 Ferrite Dust). If you don’t have enough, just farm it from the flora and minerals around your base.
  23. Go to base computer. Extract Plans (Construction Research Unit).
  24. Put down the Portable Refiner to make 40 Magnetized Ferrite (80 Pure Ferrite). If you don’t have enough pure ferrite, just throw a stack of ferrite dust in the refiner until you have 80 Pure Ferrite, and then refine that to 40 Magnetized.
  25. Make sure you have 30 condensed carbon. If you don’t refine carbon until you have enough.
  26. Craft one Carbon Nanotube.
  27. Build Construction Research Unit.
  28. VERY IMPORTANT! When you name your SYSTEMS, adopt a naming convention so you can easily find them later. I recommend the format: RaceEconomySentinels Special OriginalName. So for example, if you came across a system named Xytrol-Iuya IV that’s Korvax, has a Prosperous economy and Peaceful sentinels, the proper renaming would be: “KorProsperPeace Xytrol-Iuya”. And if that same system had a Paradise planet in it, the name would be: “KorProsperPeace Paradise Xytrol-Iuya”. Another example would be: “GekBoomHostile Nubaha III”. I can’t stress how important proper naming is since you’ll end up with hundreds of systems you’ll need to page through when you want to use the portal. Also, if you see a S-Class Multitool in the space station, you can put “MultiTool” in the special section of the name so you can go back and get it later (or if you want to share it with the community). Note PLANET naming is not as important; I only custom name Paradise planets. The rest I keep as default.
  29. Time to get our Advanced Mining Laser Blueprint (but we’re not going to craft it just yet because we don’t have the looms). To get the Nanites to buy this, we need to turn in our discoveries. Press P and go to the Discoveries Tab. Start by naming the System (with X) whatever works for you (I use “Moogy’s Starting System”). Then name the planet(s) you’ve been to. Now, click on each planet and “check in” every plant, mineral and animal you’ve scanned. When you’re done you should be rewarded with at least 75 nanites.
  30. Before going inside the outpost check outside and see if there are two small “trailer sized” buildings. If so, go in them; one will have a cluster of nanites on the wall. Grab ’em.
  31. Go inside the outpost and first check the walls to see if there’s any nanite clusters available on the wall. If so, grab them. Check the center desk for navigational data items (which can also reward nanites).
  32. Ignore the Multi-tool cabinet (we’re sticking with the starter for awhile and will get a S-Class later).
  33. Go to the Vendor (the little alien, not the Terminal) and select Purchase Blueprints. Buy the advanced mining laser blueprint.
  34. Go to the Galactic Trade Terminal, select Sell and get rid of the materials you DO NOT need. This includes: Sulpherine, Mordite, Radon, Solanium, Salt, Dioxite, Nitrogen, Ammonia, Faecium, Nav Data, Vortex Cubes, Fungal Mold and Uranium. DO NOT SELL: Any type of Cobalt (including TetraCobalt) or Ferrite or Carbon, Di-Hydrogen, Oxygen, Sodium, Copper, or Chromatic Metal.
  35. Time to get the Technology Modules. Exit the outpost and scan the horizon. We want to dig up 2 Buried Technology Modules (this will give you 4x units). If you can’t see any buried technology modules on the scanner from your location, just run about 200 units away and scan again. There’s a LOT out there. Shouldn’t take long! You’ll dig them up with your Geological Digging Tool, just like digging up copper.
  36. Do not confuse SALVAGE CONTAINERS with BURIED TECHNOLOGY MODULES. Salvage Containers are the rare resource yellow icons that provide modules you sell for profit. They are not what we’re looking for right now. You want the standard colored buried technology modules.
  37. As you run to and fron the modules, make sure you scan any ??? objects, including animals.
  38. Farm Carbon, Ferrite, Di-Hydrogen, Sodium, and Oxygen while you’re out there!
  39. If you did not mine your Cobalt yet, now is the time to do it. Locate a cave and mine 1,000 Cobalt. As mentioned if you can see yellow subterranian relics (Vortex Cubes) focus on those as a single stack of TetraCobalt can be refined to 750 Ionized Cobalt.
  40. Return to base! When you get back to base, refine whatever you found (Cobalt or TetraCobalt) to 500 Ionized Cobalt. Do NOT sell it to the outpost! (we’re going to sell it at the station)
  41. Go to your Construction Research Unit. Select research Buildable Technology. Under Core Habitation Tech, learn Base Teleporter, Biofuel Reactor, Wiring, and Save Beacon.
  42. Build Base Teleporter (4x Metal Plate and 2x Carbon Nanotubes, 40 Sodium). Build Biofuel Reactor (1x Metal Plating, 40 Oxygen) next to Teleporter. Wire Reactor to Teleporter.
  43. If you run out of inventory space, open Geodes and Crystals and/or run into the outpost and sell the same junk items we did before. Also, if you don’t have the Sodium or Oxygen, just purchase it from the Galactic Trade Terminal in the outpost.
  44. Once the Teleporter and Biofuel Reactor are built (and wired), put CONDENSED CARBON in the Biofuel reactor – if you put carbon, it will take your entire stack. Just use Condensed for now (the reactor will take all of it). If you don’t have any Condensed Carbon, just throw your carbon into the portable refiner and refine it to 50 condensed.
  45. Interact with Base Computer. Name and then Upload your base.
  46. Upload any new discoveries (plants, minerals, animals) to get nanites.
  47. Pick up Portable Refiner.
  48. Go to Base Computer, get quest to go to Space Station.

Phase III – Space Station & Mining (45m – 1.5h)

Note for Survival and Permadeath players: Skip Steps 11-23. Scan each planet in your starting system to see if any of them have Ancient Bones or Salvaged Technology. If any do, land and farm and sell until you’ve made $10M. Whether or not the starting system has these resources, continue the guide at step 24.

  1. Take off and fly into the sky, look for the orange and white Hexagon marker. When you leave the atmosphere, use the Pulse Engine (Space) to fly to and dock with the station.
  2. Exit your ship and get your first Exosuit expanded slot. This is to your upper right (when you first get out of your ship) and is the first bay on the left. Walk up to it to activate the Exosuit hologram, and press E to accept the Exosuit Upgrade (click on the green button at the bottom).
  3. If you run out of Pulse Fuel, just shoot (mine) the asteroids to get Tritium, which you can put directly into your pulse engines to refuel them!
  4. Pick up any Nav data you see – check back rooms for nanites on the walls. DO NOT BUY A MULTITOOL.
  5. Roam the station and find the Alien who says 16…16…16… Keep talking to aliens until you get the one that starts the next quest requiring you to go through the portal (the 3rd one).
  6. Go to the Galactic Trade Terminal and SELL your Ionized Cobalt. Also sell any extra fodder you have, such as: Sulpherine, Mordite, Radon, Solanium, Salt, Gold, Silver, Platinum, Marrow Bulbs, Nitrogen, Vortex Cubes, etc.
  7. Buy 2 Wiring Looms and 5 Microprocessors.
  8. Make sure you have 250 Chromatic Metal. If not, check to see if the station sells it and buy enough to meet the 250 requirement. If not don’t worry, we’ll get it.
  9. Go to the Teleport Terminus and select your base to teleport back.
  10. Once back at your base, complete crafting your Advanced mining laser (2 Wiring Looms, 1 Hermetic Seal, 1 Carbon Nanotube). If you don’t have the condensed carbon for the seal, just toss your refiner down and make it. Don’t forget to pick up the refiner if you do!
  11. TIME TO MINE 15,000 COBALT! Here’s the breakdown. 10,000 Cobalt is for 5,000 Ionized Cobalt, and the other 5,000 is to start crashing the market. Mining will now go 15% faster now that you have the Advanced Mining Laser (this is why we waited).
  12. To prepare for mining, MAKE SURE you have at least 1200 carbon.
  13. Time to find your cave(s). There may be one around your base, or you may need to take off in your ship and go find one. A single cave can often provide more than 10,000 Cobalt, depending on the density. If you run out in a cave, find another. Also make sure you scan all of the formations as well. Make sure you farm all Oxygen Hazardous Flora you come across. Don’t forget to scan everything! Also if your inventory fills up, dump things like Nitrogen, Platinum, Gold and Silver.
  14. Every 1,000 or so Cobalt you mine, make sure you open any Geodes in your inventory! They can contain Cobalt, Ionized Cobalt, and TetraCobalt!
  15. You can also speed this process up with Vortex Cubes (Subterranean Relics) because they can give TetraCobalt when you pick them up, and each stack of 5 TetraCobalt gives 750 Ionized Cobalt. So do the math; if you find a bunch of cubes and refine the TetraCobalt on the fly (just dropping the harvester down as you mine), you can drastically cut down on the amount you need. For example, if you find 3,500 worth of Ionized Cobalt, you now only have to farm 8,000 cobalt total. The final goal needs to be 5,000 Ionized Cobalt (which is 2:1 ratio Cobalt) and 5,000 Cobalt.
  16. See Underground Relics off in the distance, but your cave doesn’t appear to connect? Pull out your Geological tool and start tunneling to them! I do this for any relics that are 120 units or closer (and I’ve confirmed I can’t get there with my cave network). Also, when you’re done farming, if you’re deep in a cave and lost, just start tunneling at an upward angle – you’ll pop out above!
  17. If your inventory gets full of Vortex Cubes just destroy them. You don’t need them because you get the TetraCobalt when you pick them up, not by having them in your inventory.
  18. GET TO MINING! Takes from 20m (with lots of cubes) to 45m.
  19. Once you’re done mining, it’s time to go back to your base.
  20. We aren’t going to sell yet! Hold your horses! BUT if you have any extra items like Vortex Cubes or Nav Data, you can sell them at the Settlement terminal to clean up your inventory. DO NOT SELL YOUR COBALT. The reason we are waiting is to see if either of the 2 other systems we’re going to jump to have Ionized Cobalt on the market. If they do, we make a ton more money playing the market.
  21. Make a NOTE as to whether or not you can BUY Ionized Cobalt at the Outpost Galactic Trade Terminal. Only note it – don’t do anything.
  22. REFINE THE COBALT! First refine your TetraCobalt stacks to see how much Cobalt you have to refine. If you have more than 2000 Cobalt, use 2 refiners. If you have more than 5000 cobalt, use 3 refiners. You can break the stacks of Cobalt by moving your mouse over the stack, pressing W and then spinning your mouse wheel. Refine all but 5000 Cobalt to Ionized Cobalt. Also refine TetraCobalt stacks.
  23. When done refining, make sure your Exosuit has at least 8 open slots. If need be go inside the outpost and sell any extra junk.
  24. If you don’t have 275 Chromatic Metal, check the Galactic Trade Terminal at the station and buy it there.
  25. Make sure you have at least 30 Oxygen. If not, buy it from the Trade Terminal.
  26. If you don’t have 275 Chromatic Metal, you need to run out and mine 550 copper. Return and refine it.
  27. PICK UP YOUR REFINERS! You can sell any extras (keep 1 at least) at the Galactic Trade Terminal.

Phase IV – Awakenings, Eggs & Nanites and Anomaly (1h)

Note for Survival and Permadeath players: you can skip steps 10-13 because of how dangerous it is to farm eggs at this point.

  1. Access your base computer to start the next quest… Decode the signal.
  2. Begin the Encoded Signal Quest – Fly to Distress Signal (usually on another planet)
  3. Land at Freighter. Use Distress Beacon. Receive Hyperdrive Blueprint.
  4. Install Hyperdrive. Enter Ship. Take off and enter space. Scan for Antimatter. Go to Antimatter Trace.
  5. Land at Abandoned Station. Interact with Terminal. Remove slime with middle mouse button (discard). Read log and accept Antimatter.
  6. If it’s a new planet, SCAN EVERYTHING then UPLOAD!
  7. Craft Antimatter Housing. Craft Warp Cell. Fuel Hyperdrive.
  8. Make sure you have 6 open slots for the next part.
  9. Save the game. Enter your ship and Exit. Do not take off.
  10. Now it’s time to get some quick Nanites! We’re going EGG HUNTING! See all the eggs around the abandoned outpost you just got the blueprints from? We’re going to steal those and convert them to nanites – but to do this, we have to dig under the ground. Because it’s a bit difficult to explain, I’m including a link to a video on how to do this. If you’re new, definitely watch this video.
  11. Note the swarms will not go away as long as you’re underground, so when you’re done, you’ll need to fly up and on the roof of the building. The horrors can spit at you but it doesn’t do much damage. This is when I pop my refiner down and start refining those delicious larval cores. I usually get 5-6 stacks of 5. Each stack provides 250 nanites, so you should have made 1,000 or more nanites.
  12. If you only get two stacks of eggs, we need to run it again (you want at least 4 full stacks). First, we need to set up a custom marker so you can fly back to it from space; to do this activate your Visor with F and press E (around the building). The waypoint should appear. Now, per the video, to reset the eggs, we get in our ship and fly straight up into space and use your pulse drive to go through the first 2-3 asteroid fields, then turn right around and fly back to the waypoint. Farm the eggs again. But only to get 4-6 full stacks.
  13. Make sure you refine those Larval Cores!
  14. When you’re done, launch into Space. Bring up Galaxy Map (with X Key). Right click to deselect system, and move mouse so you can left-click on the system the line connects to. Once selected, hold down the left mouse button to warp there.
  15. If you get a Hostile Scan from Pirates, fly into the Space Station and they’ll disappear. Remember to hold down shift to fly as fast as possible.
  16. Once you’re in the new system, wait until the quest pops up an Anomalous Signal has appeared (if it doesn’t, press P and make sure the Awakenings quest is selected).
  17. If you are playing Survival or Permadeath and haven’t made your $10M farming bones or tech yet, make sure you scan each system to see if either of the resources are present; if so, go and farm $10M before the next step!
  18. Press C to scan.
  19. Fly to Anomalous Signal Source. Land at Trading Post. Talk to Alien and take Antimatter Blueprint.
  20. Craft Antimatter. If you don’t have the materials, either buy them off the Galactic Trade Terminal at the outpost, or find them around the Trading Post and use your Portable Refiner.
  21. Craft Antimatter Housing, and finally, Warp Cell.
  22. SCAN Everything in sight!
  23. Fuel Hyperdrive in Ship. Launch into space.
  24. DOCK at station! Very important. Get Exosuit upgrade, grab Nav data and check for Nanites. Check Galactic Trade Terminal to see if you can buy Ionized Cobalt and/or Chromactic Metal. Make a NOTE of this, but don’t buy any.
  25. Leave Station.
  26. Bring up Galaxy Map and Warp to the next system connected by the bold line (make sure you don’t go backwards!).
  27. When you enter the system, the mission will prompt you to accept guidance for a Fuel Source. Use your Pulse Engine to fly to the Fuel Source (do not dock at the station).
  28. If you are playing Survival or Permadeath and haven’t made your $10M farming bones or tech yet, make sure you scan each system to see if either of the resources are present; if so, go and farm $10M before the next step!
  29. Land and interact with Monolith. Receive Warp Cell.
  30. SCAN Everything in sight!
  31. Launch into space. Fuel Hyperdrive. Accept incoming transmission. Receive next quest.
  32. Fly to Stranger’s Coordinates and land next to crashed ship.
  33. Repair Distress Beacon (5 sodium nitrate, 25 chromatic metal) and extract records. Receive Personal Forcefield Blueprint.
  34. Ignore crashed ship.
  35. Fly into space. Accept Communication.
  36. Anomaly will appear. Fly to it and dock!
  37. Press P and go to the Discovery Tab and make sure everything you’ve scanned is turned in and uploaded (to ensure you have all the nanites you can get).
  38. Go to Priest Entity Nada and talk to him. Ask about everyone. Turn around and talk to Polo.
  39. Go to Helios (there is a marker on your map) and talk to him; get Nanites.
  40. Go to Selene and just talk to them. Browse, but don’t buy anything.
  41. Turn around and select the Construction Research Station. Browse, but do not buy.
  42. Now, talk to the Research Vendor (Hyperion, who is right next to the Construction Station) and purchase the Teleport Receiver for 150 nanites, Economy Scanner for 150 Nanites and the Cadmium Drive Upgrade for 80 nanites.
  43. Press P, go to the Log tab and select “The Space Anomaly” quest.
  44. Return to Nada. Can ask for whatever you would like.
  45. Leave Anomaly.

PART II – The Middle

What we’ll accomplish: Obtain our seed capital, play the Wiring Loom Market, Visit 80 star systems, get a Freighter, acquire all 110 Exosuit Slots, make over $1 BILLION in cash, and acquire more than 10,000 nanites.

Note for Survival and Permadeath players: Skip Phase I after step 2 (below) and move directly to Phase II.

Total combined time to complete this part usually takes between 5.5 hours and 7.5 hours, depending on experience and other factors.

Phase I – Cobalt Fundraising (20-40m)

  1. After exiting the Anomaly, press X when the comms begins to blink (it won’t stop until we answer it). Complete the communication. Press P and select Log and select Build Cadmium Drive (don’t worry we aren’t building it yet).
  2. Fly to the Space Station. Get your Exosuit upgrade, look for Nav data and Nanites, then go to the Terminal. VERIFY you can buy Cobalt.
  3. Now check to see if you can buy Ionized Cobalt.
  4. If you can buy Ionized Cobalt here (don’t buy, just check to see if you can), you’re set. If not, but you saw it at the last station, or your first station, take the Terminus to that station.
  5. If none of the stations sold Ionized Cobalt, it’s going to take longer to make the money we need.
  6. Go to the Station Terminal and SELL ALL COBALT AND IONIZED COBALT (if you have it).
  7. For confirmation, if none of the 3 station terminals you checked allow you to buy Ionized Cobalt, you can only sell it once and can’t crash and make extra money.
  8. Also check to see if you can buy Ionized Cobalt (just make a note). SELL all Cobalt and Ionized Cobalt. Remember to sell the entire stack at once, not in chunks!
  9. Go to Flight Deck, face outward towards Space, and wait for NPCs to fly in and land! Buy ALL Cobalt from them until you have at least 20,000. Also, if you crashed the price on Ionized Cobalt (e.g. -78%) and the NPC is selling that, you can buy it up as well. Do NOT buy Ionized Cobalt if the station did not sell it.
  10. Pro Buying Tip: When buying large quantities of anything (in this case Cobalt) just “spin up” the buy amount to 400 or so and then buy that multiple times. It’s faster than spinning up to >1000+.
  11. If you notice the Ship NPCs don’t have much (or any) Cobalt, just jump into your ship, and exit to force an Autosave. Then Reload the Autosave, which will restart the NPC docking process (and reset their sales) but still give you the awesome price.
  12. If you were able to buy Ionized Cobalt from the Ship NPCs, once you have 10K that’s plenty (because you’ll have 20K or more Cobalt). If you weren’t able to buy Ionized Cobalt, you need to buy 40k of Cobalt.
  13. Before you leave the station, go back to the Galactic Trade terminal and BUY BACK all your Cobalt. And if you sold Ionized Cobalt to crash the market, buy all of that back, too!
  14. Go to the portal and teleport to the bottom SYSTEM terminal (the name will always be different). It will have the hexagon orange/white icon.
  15. Go to the Galactic Trade Terminal and sell all Cobalt (and if you have it, Ionized Cobalt).
  16. You should have between $9M and $20M depending on how much you sold.
  17. You will need roughly $8.5M to start the wiring loom sale process! (11.20.2019 UPDATE – This value is now $15M as stated in the update at the beginning of the guide)

Phase II – Hyperdrive Fuel (15-35m)

We have to prepare for our 80-system jump sojourn, and we do this by making sure we have enough fuel to complete the journey.

  1. We are now going to Craft 25 Warp Cells, our Economy Scanner and Cadmium Drive. This will take: 750 Oxygen, 1250 Ferrite Dust, 875 Chromatic Metal and 500 Condensed Carbon. We waited to do this because we now have the money to buy the materials from the Galactic Trade Terminal.
  2. Check your inventory and buy enough Oxygen and Ferrite Dust to meet the above 750/1250 requirements.
  3. If you saw Chromatic Metal for sale on the market and can buy it while staying about $9M in cash, take the portal to the station and buy it (or the difference of what you have in your inventory to meet the 875 amount). We must craft the Condensed Carbon since no terminals sell it.
  4. Take the terminal and go to your base and either gather 1,000 Carbon, or 500 Condensed Carbon (depending on whether or not the red crystals are there). If you get the non-condensed Carbon, refine it to Condensed.
  5. If you need the Chromatic Metal, we’ll have to farm a 2:1 ratio of Copper. Assuming we have none, we’ll need 875 total, or 1750 copper. Time to go mining!
  6. Remember when using your Geo tool to press R to have the smallest diameter when mining; you’ll get more that way (it just takes longer).
  7. When you have at least 1750 copper (or enough craft the difference to have 875 total Chromatic Metal), throw it in the Portable Refiner (using Carbon as fuel) and let ‘er rip. Takes about 5 minutes to craft 875.
  8. Make sure you clear your inventory of junk you don’t need (Mordite, Silver, Solanium, etc.) before you start crafting. You can sell this stuff at the Galactic Trade Terminal. All you need to keep right now is: Oxygen, Ferrite Dust, Chromatic Metal and Condensed Carbon.
  9. Time to craft! Make 25 Anti-matter Housing Units, 25 Anti-matter, then 25 Warp Cell units. I recommend doing them in batches of 5; stacking the Warp Cells, and then moving the stack of 5 to your Ship’s Inventory. Empty every slot of your ship’s inventory as well.
  10. Also, refill your Launch Thruster. Discard any additional fuel (we won’t have room in our inventory).
  11. When you’re done, toss 5 into your Hyperdrive.
  12. Before we start the next phase, craft a Save Beacon and SAVE THE GAME! Leave the beacon at your base.
  13. Pick up your refiner and go to the Space Station! You can either use Carbon to activate your Portal or fly there.

This is enough fuel to make you over a Billion credits and obtain every exosuit slot available.

Phase III – Making a BILLION (5h-7h)

We are going to be visiting 77 systems. This is going to take hours. A station visit can be completed in under 3 minutes, but it can often take a minute the locate and warp to a new system, pushing the average time of loading, flight, location, and running to round 4-5 minutes per system. By the time you’re done doing this, you will have all 96 inventory slots for your Exosuit and all 14 technology slots; but more importantly more than 1 BILLION credits. You will be able to buy anything in the game.

If you are playing Survival or Permadeath and haven’t found planets with Ancient Bones or Salvaged Technology to farm and make your initial $10M, you’ll need to start the below system jumping process without your looms – your goal will be to find these rare resources to farm. You should find them after a few jumps; just scan every planet for every new system you jump into while still following the below steps (i.e. making sure you have Hyperdrive support modules).

My last run, I had 1.2 Billion, 5316 Nanites and 54 missions (of scan or kill for nanites). My save file said 5:42 playtime hours right after completing Phase III, but I know it was more than that since it took me roughly 5.5 hours to do this Part III run alone. Below is a breakdown of the average earnings for each 10 systems, estimating 4 minutes to process each system on average:

  • System 10: $20M (40m)
  • System 20: $64M (1.3h)
  • System 30: $150M (2h)
  • System 40: $277M (2.6h)
  • System 50: $451M (3.3h)
  • System 60: $659M (4h)
  • System 70: $910M (4.6h)
  • System 80: $1.2B (5.5h)

Note we are going to ignore Travelers for this run because we’ll get jumped by Pirates nearly every time we leave the station (with so much valuable cargo). Don’t worry, we’ll quickly get our Glyphs after we obtain all of our slots and units. We are also not going to talk to aliens on this run. We’ll learn their languages later on.

  1. Before we head out, we want to get 3 Hyperdrive modules. This is very important because it increases our jump range and lowers fuel costs (if we can get B or better). But first, remove any materials or items from your Ship’s Inventory (just toss them in your Exosuit). We’re going to buy the highest rated one at each station. If C is the best, get that. Do not buy a S-Class. Only go as far as A class. With the 4 stacks of Warp Cells, we should have 3 open cells in our ship. If you have an extra single cell or two and your hyperdrive is full but you only have 2 open inventory slots in your ship, just destroy the small stack. Make sure you install all of the modules side by side. (details on going from station to station)
  2. Once the Hyperdrive modules are installed, go to the Galactic Terminal and buy 5 Microprocessors and 4 wiring looms.
  3. INSTALL Economy Scanner and Cadmium Drive in your ship. Your ship slots should now be completely full.
    You should have all but 3 slots open. 24 slots in total.
  5. Go back to the Galactic Terminal and buy at least 200 Wiring looms. There’s a good chance the station won’t have 200 for sale. That’s OK. Buy them all then use the portal to go to the 2nd system. Buy those up. If you still don’t have 200 take the portal again to the 1st system and buy the remainder. You have now either spent all money you have on looms, or your ship inventory is completely full of Looms. As long as you spent around $15M or your ship inventory is full, you should be good to go!
  6. Exit the station and bring up the Galactic map. It’ll rotate around for about 10 seconds – ignore that. Once the automated rotation is done, right click to free the camera and then left click on any system and press “R” to open the expanded window. This will let us see the economy of the systems. Right-click and now SEARCH for one of the following economies: Advanced, Affluent, Booming, Flourishing, High Supply, Opulent, Prosperous or Wealthy.
  7. Use the ASDW keys to rotate, and try to go in a direction where there’s a LOT of stars.
  8. When you warp to a new system, the station will always be behind you.
  10. Land on station. Get Exosuit Upgrade. Once you get 48 general slots, get Cargo slots, then Technology slots. If you don’t have at least A-class Hyperdrive modules, check the Starship Vendor, and if he has A (at this point ignore B), and you have B or C installed, purchase the A and replace an old B or C with it. DO NOT PURCHASE A S (too expensive and not what we need). The goal is to have 3 A modules.
  11. Make rounds to pick up any Nav Data/Nanites. Check the Multi-tool cabinet just to make sure there’s not a S-Class in there (just visually check, no need to click on it unless it looks awesome – to check if it’s a S-Class). Develop this habit, because in an hour or two you’ll have all the money you need to buy any class multi-tool, and if you come across a 24-slot S-Class, you’ll want to buy it.
  12. If you come across a S-Class Multitool with 24 slots (Only max slots) and have enough money (prior to selling your Looms), BUY IT! But if you don’t have the money, make note of the system so you can come back later.
  13. If you picked up any Nav data and have a Freighter, transfer it to the Freighter inventory BEFORE you sell/buy your looms. If you don’t have a Freighter or the Freighter inventory is full, SELL the nav data at the Galactic Terminal before you sell and buy your looms back.
  14. Go to terminal. Sell All Wiring Looms (initially 120).
  15. Now that you have an extra slot, now buy 125 back. As you progress this becomes 130…135…140…145…so on and so forth. When you get your first Cargo slot, you will now start increasing the count by +10 rather than +5! (16th jump)
  16. Visit the mission vendor and accept any missions that are KILL or SCAN that reward NANITES. Ignore all other missions (do not accept kill or scan that gives credits). The only Kill to ignore is Kill Monstrosities, since those are location specific. All other kill missions (sentinels, quads, etc.) are fine.
  17. Register the system in Discoveries (P) and name it properly (e.g. GekOpulentHostile Xyveros II).
  18. Use the Station Portal to activate the registration. This is VERY important, and do this right after you name the system. This will ensure the proper system name is in the portal list when you access it!
  19. Exit the space station.
  20. Bring up Galaxy map, and find your next wealthy system.
  21. Go to your base and save every 20 jumps to manually save! Portaling back is easy – move a stack of looms to your ship (you’ll have at least 1 open slot now) and farm carbon to use portal to get back. To find the last system you were in, press P and look at the top of discoveries. Now look for that system in the portal network and teleport back.
  22. END LOOP – 80 SYSTEMS!
  23. If you make any mistakes on a loop just reload your autosave – it’ll pop you back to the last time you got out of your ship!
  24. If you find you need slots for anything during this process but are full of Looms, transfer 3-4 of them to your FREIGHTER (you can do this from anywhere). It’s a great ad-hoc storage place! If you have to destroy anything to make room, destroy Nav Data on your freighter to make room for looms. All you need to do is land on your freighter to take any items back.
  25. You’ll come across a mission to engage the ships attacking a Freighter. DO THIS MISSION and make sure you do NOT shoot the frigate or its fighters. When you’re done, the captain will invite you on board. Go on board, run to the bridge, and accept the FREE FREIGHTER. You are going to use this to store your Nav Data! Once you get your Frigate, you can move Nav Data you find on the station to the Frigate inventory from the station. (can move to freighter from anywhere, but can’t take off without landing). Now head to the station and continue the loop.
  26. Take note of any Paradise Planets. If you see one, don’t fly to it – instead annotate it in the system name (e.g. GekAdvPeace Paradise Xyander IV). You can often quickly identify if there is a paradise planet in a system you just arrived at by pressing P and looking at the planets (and their colors) in the system overview under Discovery. Paradise planets are usually blue and green. You can then find the planet in your HUD (while flying to the space station) and pressing C to quickly scan and identify it.
  27. See an awesome S-Class ship you want and you have enough to buy it (NOT using the money you make selling Looms), you can buy it, but be prepared you’ll need to take a break from the Loom mission to craft the Scanner and Cadmium Drive; you’ll also need to buy new Hyperdrive support modules.
  28. Halfway through visit your base and do a MANUAL save!
  29. MARK LAST SYSTEM in case you want to continue the loom trade!

And there we go!

PART III – Wrapping Up (Time is Variable)

Congratulations! You’ve completed the starting steps that allow you to dive headfirst into the game. While there’s a number of things we need to do, we now have enough money to buy anything we come across and enough exosuit slots to pretty much store anything we want. This is a big deal as it often takes average players days or weeks to accomplish this goal. You did it in under 12 hours.

What we’ll accomplish in this section: Acquire some core blueprints, get a A or S-Class Multitool (if we don’t already have one), Get our first S-Class Ship (if we don’t already have one), Construct a New Base (optional), purchase Upgrades, Complete and turn in Missions, and acquire additional blueprints and modules.

Note the following guide information is going to be much more verbose than the above step-by step approach. This is to share more conceptual information so you are able to decide what you want to pursue, and in what way.

Phase I – Anomaly Blueprints

Exit the station and summon the Anomaly. Dock and go the vendor section. Below is a list of the Blueprints you want to buy with your Nanites from each Vendor:

  1. Eos (Multitool): Pulse Spitter, Amplified Cartridges, Optical Drill
  2. Selene (Exosuit): Hazmat Glove, Shield Lattice, Neural Stimulator, Rocket Boots
  3. Hyperion (Starship Vendor): Efficient Thrusters, Nonlinear Optics, Ablative Armor

I consider these to be the “core starting” purchases that we’ll want to use.

Quick Note – Get some core Materials!

Now that you are filthy rich, it’s time to get some of those base materials back! Just do this as you complete the below phases – go to every Galactic Trade Terminal and make sure you have:

Ferrite Dust (1000), Oxygen(250), Nitrogen (250), Pure Ferrite (2000), Magnetized Ferrite (1000), Chromatic Metal (3000-5000), Gold (500), Starship Launch Fuel (5)

Phase II – Multitool

Let’s talk about the Multitool. Since we don’t have the Portal glyphs, unless we saw a 24-slot S-Class, chances are we won’t be getting one at this point. However a 24-slot A is pretty easy to find (we probably saw more than one during our journey). If you didn’t pick a 24-slot A-class up while you were system hopping, you can use the Station Portal and go through every system again. It should be easy to get a 24-slot A-class if you didn’t see a S-class. Just note that any modules we spend nanites on for it will end up being lost when we upgrade in the future from an A-Class to a S-Class. Good thing we know how to farm nanites!

If you want to spend some time hunting for a S-Class Multitool, here’s how you do it. We have 80 Wealthy systems to visit! Start going through your list and look at the systems that don’t have hostile sentinels. Take the portal to the station, leave the station, and start visiting planets and looking for Minor Settlements (just like the one you built your first base at). Each of these has a landing pad (so there will be no fuel consumption on takeoff) and a Multitool cabinet. Since you’re in a wealthy system, you have a small chance of finding a S-Class multitool, but SHOULD at least find a 24-slot A-class in probably less than an hour or two. Remember, at this point, ONLY accept a 24-slot S-Class. Since we’ll replace the A-Class later on, we don’t need a max slot version for that, but I’d try to get at least 16 slots since we will toss many things in it.

If you only get an A-Class at this point, don’t worry – once we get the Portal Glyphs you can easily acquire an end-game S-Class of your choice!

When you do get a new multi-tool, don’t forget to rebuild your Advanced Mining Laser and Geological Digging tools!

Phase III – S-Class Ship

Finding a S-Class ship is actually pretty easy. While our first S-Class won’t necessarily be the best looking ship we want to fly in forever, it will be solid for what we need to do until we get our Portal Glyphs and are able to hunt down the exact make and model we want. First you must decide what kind of ship you’re looking for. Fighter, Hauler or Explorer? Below is a breakdown of the max slots and best race for each ship type:

  • Fighter (38+12) Vy’keen
  • Hauler (48+8) Gek
  • Explorer (38+8) Korvax
  • Shuttle (28+8) Any
  • Exotics (20+6) Any

At this point, it doesn’t make sense to get an A-Class. Get an S-Class. As mentioned, we have 80 Wealthy systems on our list. It shouldn’t take long to find something that works well.

S-Class Ship Hunting Technique

The most efficient S-Class hunting, without question, is the Trading Post Save/Reload technique. Here’s how you do it. In a wealthy economy, the chance of a ship being S-Class is 2%. 1% in medium economy and 0% in low economy. When you’re S-Class hunting ALWAYS TURN MULTIPLAYER OFF, especially when you go to a publicly shared location through a portal.

  1. Dock with Station.
  2. Go to Station Portal.
  3. Press P and bring up Discoveries.
  4. Browse Named Systems for the Race that has the Ship you want (e.g. Vy’keen for Fighter).
  5. When you click on the system, look for planets that look like they support good life; tropical, humid, etc. Granted you won’t know until you actually scan the planet. When you find the system that looks right, take the portal to the system station.
  6. Depart the system and fly to the planet. Gone are the days of the guessing game. You have an Economy Scanner! Press X and go to the far left menu and select the option “Scan for Trading Post”. Voila! Fly to the waypoint and you’re good!
  7. Make sure you check the terminal for any goodies like Chromatic Metal, etc. (to replenish your stock).
  8. Fly to the very top of the center building and build a Save Beacon.
  9. Use it.
  10. Quit to Options, and reload your Manual Save.
  11. Here’s your loop. When you reload, you’re going to find the ships generally all fly in from one direction. Once you get this down, you can use your visor to identify them as they approach (to see if they are S-Class, slots, etc). This “first wave” is all you want to review before you reload and do it again. Once you’ve reviewed all the ships in the first wave, quit to options, and reload your manual save.
  12. You’ll notice there are generally 5 different variations of each ship: Fighter, Hauler, Explorer and Shuttle. 3 of those variations can never be max slot (e.g. you’ll see fighters that max out at 20 slots), but 2 of them can be max slot. Quickly identify which ones have the potential of being max slot because even if a S-class variation of one of the first 3 appears, it can never have max slots (e.g. you’d be stuck with a S-Class Fighter with 20+8 vs. 38+12. A HUGE difference).
  13. Using this technique you should have your first S-Class in under 30 minutes. Now, be sure to check the slot size – you ALWAYS want max slots for a S-Class. The only exception MIGHT be an exotic (e.g. 18+5 vs. 20+6) but it’s really up to you. Note it can take hours to get the ship you want. But do NOT get a ship you think is ugly or do not like – you’ll regret it! Be patient. And if you don’t see ANY ships you like after 15-20 minutes, you need to find a new planet with different ships.
  14. Happy hunting!

It can take hours to find the ship you’re looking for.

Phase IV – New Base

This is optional. There’s a reasonable chance you may have come across a Paradise planet while you were doing your Loom Sale jumping. If so, you might want to go back and build a new base there. This is what I did on my most recent playthrough, and it turned out to be one of the best planets and bases yet! Just make sure you get a Teleporter installed so you can quickly visit at any time.

Phase V – Core Upgrades & Missions

First a quick note on Inventory. You now have all the slots available in the game, and your Exosuit Cargo slots carry 2x the amount of your base Exosuit slots. I recommend using your cargo slots to store all materials (Tritium, Cobalt, Ferrite, etc.). You can quickly transfer and stack any items from your main Exosuit inventory to your Cargo by moving your mouse over the material and Pressing X and selecting “Exosuit High Capacity Inventory”.

We need to get our missions turned in so we can enjoy those 10,000+ nanites that we should get. To do that we need a multitool that allows us to hunt creatures and sentinels efficiently enough to complete the missions without risk to ourselves.

The weapon modifier we’ll be using to complete our missions (namely the Sentinel killing) is a Pulse Spitter, which shoots devastating projectiles that melt sentinels. Yes, we could use our mining laser, but honestly, it’s terrible against sentinels, and will take longer – besides, we need to unlock the Pulse Spitter and other blueprints anyway, so we’re going to focus on that. To build the Pulse Spitter, we need 200 Deuterium, which can only be manufactured in a medium or large-sized refiner. It just so happens the game won’t let you place a Medium Refiner in a custom build area (e.g. wood floor) – but only in a prefab unit (why this is the case is beyond me). However, a large refiner can be placed anywhere. For simplicity sake, we’re going with the Medium Prefab route. But we want to get a bit more than just the refiner; we want a few new base components that we can use anywhere. Below is an overview of the Blueprints we need to get our hands on, and each costs Salvage Modules, which we must dig up.

Below is the order (and cost) of each Blueprint Purchase (in Salvaged Modules) to be able to construct our Pulse Spitter:

  1. Medium Refiner (10)
  2. Solar Panel (8)
  3. Battery (3)
  4. Large Prefab Cylindrical Room (3) & Door (1)

So we’ll need 25 Technology Modules. Get to it! Go to your base, and start scanning the horizon for those Buried Technology symbols. Get those guys dug up!

While you are searching for Technology Modules, kill 20 critters.

Once you have the 25x Salvaged Technology, fly to the Anomaly and purchase the above blueprints from the Construction vendor. Then go back to your base and build a Cylindrical Room (on the ground) and a door in it’s side. Now is also the time you need to replace your Biofuel power supply with a Solar Panel and Battery. Now your portal will always be active and you don’t need to throw Biofuel away anymore.

Once you construct the Medium Refiner in the middle of your Prefab and run power to it, toss in 200x Tritium and Di-Hydrogen to create 200 Deuterium. Time to craft the Pulse Spitter on your Multitool! Next, craft 4x stacks of Projectile Ammunition (each stack takes 50 Ferrite Dust).

You are now a killing machine. Make sure you have Amplifed Cartridges crafted next to your Pulse Spitter in your Multitool, and any S-Class Pulse Spitter modules you purchased installed and connected. To try it out press G to cycle to the Pulse Spitter and blast something. Note how quickly it drains ammo, and you must press R to reload.

We’re almost ready to complete our missions! The final step of preparation is to get our Secure Planetary Charts.

Getting Planetary Charts & Space Station Hopping

We acquired a LOT of Navigational Data during our Loom haul. Our freighter should have well over 100 units. If for some reason you don’t have Nav Data, you can purchase it off the market.

If the Nav Data is on our Freighter, we need to go and pick it up, OR you can buy it from the Trade Terminal (if the station you’re at sells it). To get it from the Freighter, fly out, summon your freighter and dock. While on the landing pad, pull up the inventory and make sure you have at least 30 Navigational data. Head back to the station.

First, we need to understand Planetary Charts. Each station has a Cartographer (first vendor to the right as soon as you come out of the station portal). This cartographer provides Planetary Charts that are used to find specific structures. The catch is each station provides only one type of chart, and you can’t find out what kind it is until you’ve purchased one (which costs 1 Navigational Data). So, we’ll need to hope Space Stations and buy 1 chart from the vendor until we get a Planetary Chart that says “a secure site of interest”. This is one big problem with NMS, we are unable to attach notes to systems (which is why we have to name the systems in the way we have). This also means we can’t annotate (in-game) the type of maps a system sells, so we need to keep track of this on the side on our own (writing it on paper or creating a simple notepad .txt file). You want to do this while you station hop; make note of the stations that sell each map category. There are 4 map types currently available: Secure Site, Inhabited Outpost, Distress Signal, and Ancient Artifact Site.

Efficient Station Hopping is easy. Just go to the station portal, make sure the filter is set to Space Stations, and select the LAST station entry. This will be the oldest station you’ve visited, ensuring when you select the last in the list, it’s not a station you’ve visited recently. Go to the station, go to the cartographer, and note what map type it provides. Keep track of your map stacks, because if you already (for example) have 3 Ancient Artifact Site maps, the Cartographer will simply increase the count to 4.

For those who want to know how to identify the station you are in, press P, go to Discoveries, and page through the systems until you see the white and black marker on the right side of the system name. That’s where you are.

Once you find a station that sells Secure Site Maps, buy 25 of them (we’re going to use them for more than just sentinel hunting). Yes, it’s tedious because you can only buy one at a time and you have to click through a ton of Dialogue. And remember, WRITE DOWN the name of this system. You’ll need it to buy more maps Secure Site maps later on! My Secure maps are on the GekBoomAlarm Orsfiel system! See? I wrote it down!

Completing the Sentinel Kill Missions

Remember! Make sure you have 4x stacks of Projectile Ammunition in your inventory before doing this! Now that you have the charts, head back to your main base and use one of the Secure Site Planetary Charts. It should point you to a manufacturing facility. Each one should have a landing pad. Take off and head there! When you arrive, you need to use your Pulse Spitter to shoot down the door. Now you can start blasting the Sentinels from inside the facility! You can use this for cover since they won’t attack you while in the facility. Have at it! You might need to run out to kite some of them to the door, but it works just fine. Remember to blast the little cylinders they drop when you kill them! Get the rhythm down for reloading your pulse spitter. Be careful of the Quads – their laser does a lot of damage, and you don’t have the shields to take more than a few hits – use the base walls to run around, dodge and hide. When the giant walker appears, you need to shoot off the armor on its legs and then it’s torso – then you focus on the torso. Once the armor is gone, you can completely avoid the walker’s projectile damage by side-running in circles around it as you shoot and reload.

To ensure you complete all missions, you want to kill 18 Sentinels and 4 Quads. When you’re done, either jump in your ship and hover in the atmosphere (do NOT go into space while Sentinels are active or Sentinel ships will come after you) or stay in the structure until the Sentinels deactivate.

To verify you’ve completed the missions, Press P, look at Logs and click through the missions to ensure all of them say return to agent. If you missed anything (e.g. scanning minerals, killing critters) once the sentinels have deactivated, take care of anything left over.

Quick Note on the Terminal: check out the “Language & Secure Facility Blueprint Farming” section of this guide under Part IV if you want to learn more about secure facilities and solving the terminal puzzle. We aren’t doing that here, but hunting down these types of facilities and extracting their blueprints is part of the end-game process.

Once you’ve completed all of your missions, head back to the station and turn them in! But note due to some sort of irritating bug, it takes roughly 15-20 seconds to turn in each mission. If you have 50+ missions, you could be looking at nearly 20 minutes time to turn them in. So put on some music and get to it!

Depending on the number and rewards of the missions, you should have between 8,000 and 12,000 nanites. Now it’s time to get some REAL upgrades for our Exosuit and S-Class ship so we can start really playing the game, which includes a lot of farming!

Phase VI – Additional Upgrade Blueprints and Modules

Now that we have between 8-12k nanites, it’s time to start upgrading our gear.

Section I – Blueprint Upgrades

Fly to the Anomaly and purchase the below equipment:

Exosuit Blueprint Upgrades (Combined Cost 880 Nanites)

  1. The 4 Element Shields (160 each)
  2. Oxygen Rerouter (240)

Starship Upgrades ( Combined Cost 850 Nanites)

  1. Emeril Drive (120)
  2. Launch System Recharger (460)
  3. Phase Beam (150)
  4. Fortier De-Limiter (120)

Multitool Upgrades ( Combined Cost 440 Nanites)

  1. Waveform Recycler (120)
  2. Survey Device (320)

Exocraft Upgrades ( Combined Cost 180 Nanites)

  1. Exocraft Acceleration Module (180)

Total Nanite Cost: 2350.

And there we go! This is enough to get us started. You can purchase the other upgrades as you see fit.

Section II – Installing the Upgrades

We need to get all of this installed, but all of this requires a lot of materials. We’re also going to get the materials for the Pilgrim and its installed technology. Note I am going to omit the costs of the Oxygen Rerouter (for underwater exploration) and Emeril Drive (for going to Green star systems) . You can pursue those when you are ready. Note we’ll need to station hop to buy everything.

Here’s your shopping list. Remember to first check and see what you have (and need) and toss all of this in your Exosuit Expanded Cargo space!

  1. Oxygen (60)
  2. Phosphorous (150)
  3. Dioxite (200)
  4. Ammonia (150)
  5. Uranium (150)
  6. Silver (240)
  7. Copper (300)
  8. Salt Refractor (1)
  9. Wiring Loom (7)
  10. Magnetized Ferrite (250)
  11. Sodium Diode (3)
  12. Cobalt Mirror (1)
  13. Metal Plates (5)
  14. Paraffinium (150)
  15. Tritium (40)

Note I found Ammonia the most difficult to find – but you can easily craft it in your medium refiner with Ferrite Dust and Paraffinium. Once you have all of this, install each of the above purchased craftable technologies (using E) for your Exosuit, Starship and Multi-tool. You’ll also do the same when you finally have your Pilgrim.

Section III – Buying our Modules

Now it’s time to talk Modules. FROM HERE ON OUT WE ONLY BUY S-CLASS MODULES. Ignore the rest.

I’ve put together the below list to give you an idea of what you should strive for. Just to ensure you are aware, we can only have 3 support modules per “item”. This means only 3x S-Class Life modules, 3x S-Class Shield modules, etc. The only exception is we can also put 3x S-Class modules in the Technology tab of the objects that support it (such as Exosuit, Starship). This allows us to “double down” on S-Class module support. So when you see 6x vs 3x what that means is you want to first put 3x S-Class modules in the “base” and then 3x S-Class modules in the Technology support tab.

Note that the Nanite cost of S-Class Modules varies depending on the module. For Exosuit, Starship and Multitool, the price can be as high as 612 Nanites, or as low as 536. I’m averaging out the projected costs to be 585 per module.

Exosuit Module List

  1. 6x Life Modules (Main & Tech)
  2. 3x Shield Modules
  3. 6x Movement Modules (Main & Tech)
  4. 4x Hazard Modules (one per hazard type)
  5. Estimated Total: 9360 Nanites

Starship Module List

  1. 6x Hyperdrive Modules (Main & Tech)
  2. 6x Shield Modules (Main & Tech) 6x (594)
  3. 3x Pulse Engine Modules
  4. 3x Photon Cannon Modules
  5. 3x Phase Beam Modules
  6. Estimated Total: 12,285 Nanites

Multitool module List

  1. 3x Scanner Modules
  2. 3x Mining Support Modules
  3. 3x Pulse Spitter Support Modules
  4. Estimated Total: 5,265 Nanites

Exocraft module list

  1. 3x Engine Modules
  2. 3x Boost Modules
  3. Estimated Total: 3,510 Nanites

So we’re looking at a cost of more than 30,000 nanites to get everything solid at the base. The good news is once you put S-Modules in your Exosuit or Exocraft, you never lost them. The bad news is if you get a new Multitool or Ship, you’ll have to replace all of the modules. You may be wondering about the Engine Modules for the Exocraft – well, when we start farming (below) the first thing we’ll do it unlock the Pilgrim and use it as our main tool for gathering Salvaged Technology so we can unlock all the Base Blueprints!

Recommended order of acquiring modules:

  1. Hyperdrive for Ship (makes exploring easier)
  2. Movement Modules for Exosuit (run faster)
  3. Mining Modules for Multitool (get more quicker)
  4. Engine Modules for Exocraft (go faster in your Pilgrim)
  5. Life Modules for Exosuit (better survival)
  6. Hazard Modules for Exosuit (survive any climate – don’t forget Ion Batteries to charge!)

The rest depends on what you want to do. If you farm sentinels then you want to focus on shields and pulse spitter damage. If you want to kill pirates, upgrade the ship shields and weapons. Scanner modules are nice for enhancing the unit reward for each scan, but we have so much money, the upgrades really only benefit us with extended scan distance.

Part IV – Playing and Farming

By making over a billion units, getting a solid ship and multitool, core blueprints and components, we are more than ready to take on what the universe has to throw at us.

This is where players can decide to play the way they want, take breaks from one thing, work on another, and jump around to whatever suits them. This is the order I pursue the farming:

  1. Nanite Farming to get max Exocraft modules (for speed). Usually just 3 runs of eggs.
  2. Technology Modules and Blueprints (half).
  3. Base Building.
  4. More Nanite Farming to get modules for Multitool, Ship and Exosuit (half).
  5. Portal Glyph Completion.
  6. S-Class Ship/Multitool hunting (through portal).
  7. Language & Secure Facility farming.
  8. Technology Modules and Blueprints for Construction (second half/complete).
  9. Industrial Base Building.
  10. More Missions.
  11. Storyline.
  12. Jump between all of the above.

Every player will have a different approach to what they prefer and want to focus on. Some players may want to build out their Freighter Fleet, base, and send their ships on missions. I don’t even cover that here – but it’s really the only feature that I chose to not include. Regardless, there is always something to do, with exploration being the key part that goes on forever.

Technology Module & Base Blueprint Farming

The first thing I recommend a player does at this point is to unlock the Pilgrim Geobay. The Pilgrim is a land vehicle that’s fun, moves fast, and makes gathering Salvaged Technology modules a breeze. Here’s how you do it.

  1. Gather 30 Salvaged Technology Modules
  2. Go to Anomaly and purchase the Roamer Geobay, then the Nomad Geobay, and then the Pilgrim Geobay.
  3. Go back to your base.
  4. Build the Pilgrim Geobay (5 Metal Places, 4 Ion Batteries, 100 Paraffiunium) at the base you want to use as your center of operations for farming Salvaged Technology.
  5. Install the Blueprint technologies (Drift Suspension, Grip Boost Suspension, Hi-Slide Suspension), and any S-Class Pilgrim Modules.

Once you start really using this thing, you’re going to long for more speed – get those 3 engine S-Class mods installed as soon as possible, and then finalize the 3 boost modules. The speed difference is awesome.

Unlocking all of the construction blueprints costs around 650 technology modules in total.

Get 3 S-Class Engine and Boost modules for your Pilgrim as soon as possible!

It appears the best technology module planets in the game are in Wealthy Korvax systems, so when you’re ready to go farming, focus on this system type! Having an Alchemical material economy may also provide a bonus.

A word about Technology Module hunting. Not all planets are equal when it comes to density. Some planets have very few and other planets have a ton of them. Planet hop until you find a rich source of the modules. You’ll know you’re on the right planet when there’s almost always at least one module in visor scanner range. Module-dense planets will often have 3-4 in view prior to digging them out. When you find the right planet packed full of modules, make sure you build a base with a portal so you can return to farm them anytime in the future.

Using every Knowledge Stone you come across as you move between modules is a great way to learn alien languages!

Nanite Farming

Farming Abandoned Facilites is the best way to obtain nanites. We already farmed with this method back in Part II and we can do this again and again. It’s easy. Go to the Anomaly, run to the Nexus (it’s the large hologram computer console at the docking level in the middle). Start the Biological Horror Mission. select ready, and you’re good to go. Hop in your ship, and fly to the waypoint. We’re not actually going to complete the mission, we’re just getting a quick waypoint to guaranteed eggs.

We can also use Distress Signal navigational charts, but the Nexus Biological horror mission is the quickest and easiest way to get a waypoint to the eggs.

An experienced player can farm on average 1,250 nanites every 5 minutes (including harvest and flight reset time), which means 15,000 nanites per hour.

You get 225 nanites for refining a stack of x15 technology modules (the ones you dig up). While it’s not nearly as efficient as eggs, it’s a fun alternative if you like to race around and dig things up!

Not all facilities are equal! You always want a facility with at least two sections – one section won’t have enough eggs. If you take the Nexus mission and it points you to a facility with too few eggs, go to another system, call the Anomaly, leave the mission and restart it. You will receive a new waypoint in the new system, and hopefully to a larger facility.

To reset the eggs, we just jump in our ship and fly into space, pulse past a few asteroid fields, turn around, and fly back to the facility. The eggs will have respawned.

If you find an awesome facility with a ton of eggs, I recommend building a base there with a teleporter so you can easily come back anytime to farm them. To make things even better, build a landing pad for your ship as well as you’ll be flying up and down a lot.

Even though it was included above in Part I, Phase IV, here’s a link to the video showing you How to farm Whispering Eggs for Nanites.

Language & Secure Facility Blueprint Farming

Infiltrating and fixing Secure Facilities is the only way to obtain “Components & Devices” blueprints, which include the Atlas Passes and creation of combined materials (such as Salt Refractors, Starship Batteries, and Warp Hypercores). While you can play and enjoy most of what the game has to offer without ever unlocking these blueprints, those of us who are compulsive to have access to all content are drawn to gather these blueprints.

To obtain these blueprints, we break into secure facilities and solve the puzzles at the stations. However these puzzles require you to be semi-fluent in the alien language for the system in order to get enough information to figure them out (at least on the first try). Solving these puzzles can reward you with blueprints or Factory Override Units, which can be used to purchase specific blueprints (if you select Learn Blueprints from the terminal after successfully solving the puzzle). If you put in the wrong answer at the terminal, you won’t get anything and it will lock you out. The workaround is to save the game at your ship (Autosave) before going inside to solve the terminal puzzle, and if you don’t get it, just reload and try it again.

To find these buildings, we need to acquire numerous “Secure Site of Interest” Planetary Charts from a station Cartographer (in exchange for Nav Data). Each station sells a different type of chart, so once you find one that sells the secure map charts, make note of it (a station Cartographer always sells the same type of maps). All you need to do is use these charts and they will direct you to the facilities you need to infiltrate (occasionally sending you to a Storage Depot, which you can ignore). I usually purchase 4 stacks of 5 (x20) to start the process, then go back and refill based on how many more I need to pursue. If you use a chart and it says “Nothing Found” it’s time to go to another planet or system.

If you don’t want to shoot the door down with your pulse spitter, you can shoot the doors with your ship before you land, but it requires some solid piloting skills. I personally just land and blast the doors with a single magazine of my pulse spitter and run inside (the sentries deactivate at that point).

As mentioned, this is where being able to speak an alien language is important. I recommend learning at least 100 words before you start this process; or you can install the new translator modules. The choice is yours.

Below is a great video on how this process works:

Glyph Farming & Unlocking the Portal

Remember the Travelers we ignored when selling our looms? It’s time to go back and look through the portal side of each station we went to previously. Always select the last station in the list since the list is in the ordered by the most recently visited locations.

When we see a Traveler, talk to them, and in the second dialogue with them, ask where they are from for Nanites (100). Go to the grave and extract the Glyph. Once you unlock all 16, you can now use the portal!

To find a portal, use Ancient Alien Navigation Maps, and when you locate a Monolith, you’ll need to answer the first question correctly so you can initiate the second dialogue and provide one of the racial faction items (Gek Relic, Korvax Casing, or Vy’keen Dagger) depending on the dominant race in the system. Select Portal Location and you’ll receive the waypoint. Note the portal needs to be charged with a number of materials, but you should have all of them. There is a portal in every single system. You just have to find it. Also note you can also use the Exocraft Scanner to locate Alien Structures.

Mission and Racial Faction Farming

We can re-run the “mission loop” that we did while selling the looms; it’s ultra easy – just revisit each station and pick up every scan/kill mission that rewards nanites. You can also visit the Guild Merchant (next to the Mission vendor) and receive rewards for each faction increase you’ve achieved.

When you’re exploring, make sure you pick up all scan/kill missions from your new stations – they quickly add up!

At this point, it doesn’t appear racial factions provide anything of value. Prior to Beyond and the new Blueprint system the Anomaly provides, certain blueprints were locked behind certain racial faction levels. That doesn’t appear to be the case anymore. I’ll update this guide if I learn differently, or when Hello Games makes Racial Faction Farming a “thing to do” again.

Industrial Mining

With the Beyond Update, players can build industrial mining and gas extraction facilities, making well over $100M per hour. This system also unlocked the Hotspot mechanic, which allows players to place electromagnetic energy collectors, and the mining/gas harvesters themselves. In order to unlock this system, the player must install the Survey Device Visor Upgrade in their Multitool (purchasable from the Anomaly Multitool Vendor for 320 nanites). Once you have the upgrade, you can use your visor to track down and mark hotspots, which come in C, B, A and S classifications. The most productive facilities are S in production, but having a B or A power source nearby works just fine. The trick is finding a S or A mining field next to a B or better power field. And even then, the mine you find may not be the material you want (e.g. you could get Copper vs. Indium). This can be quite challenging to find and takes time.

Most players are ignoring gas harvesting and focusing solely on Activated Indium, since it produces the most profit. At this time there’s only a handful of guides available, but it’s pretty easy to set up and configure once you find the hot spots. Below is a link to a video that explains the process of setting up the mine and raking in the money (Activated Indium Mines can make over $100M per hour):

Exploration & Base Building

This is the heart of NMS. It’s really not about making billions of credits or getting all of the technology – the game is really about exploring every planet you can, continually looking for that perfect match (Paradise for some, Irradiated for others!), and then building an amazing base to make your mark.

Paradise planets are usually the most sought after types of planets, with green fields, lush forests, calm weather, peaceful sentinels, and tons of animals. But they are ultra, ultra rare. But when you find one, it’s an amazing experience, and you’ll quickly know if it’s your new home.

This brings us to building your base. Within this guide, I’ve shown you how to get all the Technology Modules you need to unlock all of the construction blueprints. It really doesn’t take that long (just a few hours at most). Once you are able to build everything, the sky is the limit. And not just the sky and ground, but you can create massive underwater bases as well. Underground? No problem! There’s a ton of Video Guides online to help players with this process, but with the recent release of Beyond and the addition of electrical wiring and connections, nobody has yet created a comprehensive “Base Building in Beyond” guide as of yet. I’ll post it here once one is available.

Here’s some very important base building facts:

  1. ALWAYS build a portal at your base so you can easily return. A portal does not have to be powered to return to.
  2. You can build up to 300 units away from your base computer. You can extend this distance by roughly 200 units by building something far away to “pull out” the radius. This method is used when setting up industrial mining arrays to nearby electrical hotspots.
  3. Each Base is limited to 3,000 components.
  4. You can only have a total of 20,000 components between all of your bases.
  5. Storage Containers will share their contents with all bases that have them built.

So if you find yourself a bit numb to running the same planets, start jumping to some new systems and keep an eye open for that rare paradise! You may also find that you prefer dry desert-like planets, or even irradiated environments. Every system is different, and every paradise planet is different. One thing is certain, when you find a planet that amazes you, build a monumental base that will stand the test of time – remember, other players can visit it!

Below are a few resources you might want to look at including links to some collections of bases to provide inspiration:

Portal-based S-Class Ship and Multitool Hunting

Here is the website you want to use to decode the below coordinates to the glyphs:

Always turn off Multiplayer (under Network Options) when farming a S-Class ship using publicly shared portal coordinates! This is to ensure you don’t get stuck in shared instancing with other players; that would prevent the resetting of the ships upon reload!

Time to embrace the awesome NMS community! Let’s first talk about ships. Players post very cool looking Fighters, Haulers, Explorers, Shuttles and Exotics on a daily basis, complete with Portal Codes so players can go to the system and farm a specific ship. I believe the best and most active resource for ships is the NMSCoordianteExchange subreddit. Start browsing the subreddit to find a ship you want, then dial those portal coordinates and happy hunting! I’ve also put together a collection of coordinates for some of my favorite ships. Note some of the systems aren’t wealthy (only mid-tier, which halves the chance a S-Class/Exotic will appear).

Remember: S-Class spawns are “system wide”. Trading posts (as covered In Part III – Phase III) are the best method for hunting them.

Below is a collection of ships I recommend; note they are all in the Euclid galaxy.

  • White and Gold Stinger Exotic: 0251:007E:0612:01F6 (My Favorite Exotic)
  • Black Bird Fighter: 00C9:008E:08A9:0036 (My Favorite Fighter)
  • Red Hawk-wing Hauler: 044C:0082:0D55:00D0 (My Favorite Hauler)
  • Red Needler Fighter: 0CA5:0060:0766:0018
  • Orange Bird Fighter: 044C:0083:0D55:00BA
  • Tall Orange Exotic: 044C:0082:0D55:00D0
  • Bug Stinger Exotic: 044D:0082:0D56:004A
  • White Squid Ship: 044C:0082:0D55:0068
Single location with two great spawns!
Here’s another great location for Red and Yellow 48+8 S-Class Haulers
For those of you who want a white variation.
Post image
Itchin’ for a Squid Ship?
Red Long-Nosed T3 Fighter in Wealthy system
Another great ship to hunt!
An excellent S-Class explorer!

Now let’s talk Multitools, which are now very easy to get since they have static spawns.

Here’s the portal addresses of three 24-slot S-Class Multitools (including one I found):

  • 24-slot S-Class I found: 0BE0:008C:0D7C:01FE (100% Station Spawn) (08.24.2019)
  • Black Experimental Multitool: 0DF2:0085:0B70:0189 (Outpost Spawn on Bergha Prime – Moon – Coordinates -24, -110)
  • Generic S-Class Experimental Multitool (Hawkes): 0E00:0087:0B43:0032 (Space Station 100% spawn)

Below are helpful links for those looking to secure a great ship, or take the portal for the first time to get a black alien experimental!

Transmitting Milestone Data on Anomaly

As you explore the universe, don’t forget to occasionally visit the Anomaly and transmit milestone data to Helios and Ares, who reward you with Nanites.

Milestones (Achievements)

NMS has three categories of “Milestones”, which also includes Faction standings with Races and Guilds. At this time, I’m not aware of any rewards tied to completing the milestones (other than feeling good about it), but lifeform standing will impact whether freighter fleets of specific races help you with pirates, and merchant guild standing will impact the missions you can choose. You increase both Racial and Guild standing by completing missions. You can also complete racial standing by turning in racial relics (note you can turn in an unlimited amount to the same NPC). If you want to find a ton of relics, just park your freighter in a system run by the race you want to process, dock with your freighter, and each NPC ship that lands on your freighter will sell the relics. 10 stacks of 5 should be enough to reach maximum rank.

Main Storyline

The main storyline of NMS is actually quite good, and takes on average more than 30 hours to complete. If you need a break from generic farming, just jump back into the story, and if you want a break from the story, you can do one of the many other activities covered herein.

If you do make it to the center of the galaxy, give careful consideration to leaving Euclid (the starting galaxy) as Euclid portal codes will no longer work (which is where 95% of all portal codes for ship and multitool hunting are located).


I didn’t forget about Freighters, or the mechanics behind him. I just decided to avoid using them in this guide because I personally don’t use (or need) them. However, those who love space battles and sending ships on missions, the Freighter system is for you! If you want more information on using Freighters, I just wanted to mention Freighters, which are a mechanic all on their own. I’m going to keep that out of this guide because I don’t really do much with Freighters (I honestly never had a need), but there are a ton of great guides on Youtube.

Part V – Conclusion & Resources

I hope the NMS community finds this guide helpful, and it empowers new (and experienced) players to enjoy everything the game has to offer. As mentioned at the beginning of this guide, if you have any feedback, questions or recommended changes/enhancements, please leave a comment below!

Here’s a few additional resource references along with dedicated Youtube Content providers I highly recommend. Khraze is my favorite.

Thanks to Hello Games for making such an amazing game, and the NMS community for being awesome!

External Resource List

  1. When you say about naming your systems, you mention that we should include the sentinal level? Do you mean for the planet or do you mean the system conflict level? Sometimes you can’t see without landing on planet what the Sentinals are doing and when your doing the Looms run it would take too much time?? Just curious as to what you meant? Thanks 🙂

  2. Correct – the system conflict level. Planet conflict (if it was important, such as hostile) would be defined in the planet name. Ultimately, everyone generally comes up with their own naming convention. I certainly hope in the near future, they allow search filters so we don’t need to name the systems like this 🙂

  3. Part I Phase IV step 38 I’m pretty sure you need to buy something.

    This guide is awesome, thank you!

  4. I’m on Phase III right now. Would be nice to have a short check/summery list after reading all the steps in detail so i can have something to look at and remind me of what I’m to do every jump.

    Enjoying the guide so far.

  5. Thanks a ton! We talk to Selene to complete the quest – I think we just need to talk to them, but not buy. At least when I ran it, the quest proceeded without buying anything. If that’s changed (perhaps due to a patch) please let me know!

  6. Thanks! I was actually thinking of integrating a checklist system where the player could keep track of their progress on the guide itself, but I couldn’t find anything that looked good and integrated well with the guide. Plus I figured most players wouldn’t be interested in constantly click on buttons while playing. But I think you’re talking about a high-level wrap-up under each section that takes (for example the 48 steps of Phase II summarized to 4 key points at the end). Let me explore what that could look like, and if you want to provide an example of what you have in mind, that would be quite useful.

  7. Part 2 Phase III, is where I am. Wasn’t really thinking of an actual list to check off boxes in, just a short summery of what we are supposed to do every jump. Like this:

    – Enter Space Station
    – Get Exosuit Upgrade.
    – Gather Nav Data/Nanites (transfer nav to Freighter)
    – Check Multi-Tool (24 slot S-class)
    – Sell all Wiring Looms
    – Purchase Wiring Looms (max slots)
    – Visit Mission Vendor (Kill/Scan=Nanites)
    – Rename System (RaceEconomySentinels Special OriginalName)
    – Exit Space Station
    – Galaxy Map; search next wealthy system (Advanced, Affluent, Booming, Flourishing, High Supply, Opulent, Prosperous or Wealthy)
    – Jump

    Well, now I have the list I needed. 🙂

  8. Fantastic guide! I’ve been playing off and on since Next, but a lot of this escaped me. One question: You say to “take note of any paradise planets” we come across during the wiring loom phase, but I don’t see how/where this info would come up. Are you scanning each planet in a system after warping in but before you enter the space station?

  9. They fixed the traveler portal glyph bug in the latest patch. I can confirm it is working, I just got 2 and 3.

  10. Thanks! You are correct – I just updated that section and added information on the technique I use to quickly identify if there is a Paradise planet in a new system (while quickly flying to the station).

  11. I’ve been calling in the anomaly in each system I visit. I can get a second look at the multi tool (I’m pretty sure it’s the same one as offered in the station just different stats) and you get a second exosuit slot. I do that first, then go to the station so I have two new slots to get more wiring looms. What are your thoughts on that? Is it a waste of time?

    Also what is the reason you recommend buying general slots before cargo slots? It gives you room for twice as many looms per slot/station.

    I am also farming nanites at the same time by buying pugneum and Platinum. With the looms in my exosuit inventories, I do the same flipping in my ship inventory with those and Cobalt.

  12. Hey Kae! All great points – and yes, a player can do all of that – but I found it more efficient to focus on hammering out the slots, and the time it takes to call the Anomaly, dock, run around, etc. just to get the extra slot per system was better spent moving to the next system to crash the market and make money. Plus, we have more than $1BN by the time we’re done doing the Exosuit upgrades, I didn’t think it warranted any extra cheddar from getting Cargo expansions first. I’ll put a note in the guide about this since experienced players will probably wonder the same thing.

    Experienced players like us will always tweak and augment any steps to enhance our income, but for new players, I like keeping things simple and ensuring they can get to the $1BN and maxed slot position as soon as possible with as few steps as possible.

  13. Thanks for the response and sorry for leaving so many comments. As I’m playing through and following along with your awesome guide I come up with questions. Lol, this is my first time playing NMS.

    Also maybe something changed with beyond (I’ve only ever been in since beyond so I can’t say for sure) but I have both a medium and large refiner in my wood custom built room. I don’t have any prefab rooms built.

  14. Not a problem at all – I definitely want feedback like this to enhance the guide and make it better!

    I think they fixed the Medium Refiner placement in a recent patch; when Beyond came out, you could only put it in the middle of a Prefab.

    Please let me know if you have any other feedback, questions or recommended changes!

  15. Part III phase III says haulers are 48+12 but I’m pretty sure they max at 48+8, at least that’s what I see posted in other places.

  16. Just made my first billion! got all exosuit slots and found a Class S multitool! Looking forward to working through the rest of the guide! Thx so much man!! This guide is awesome!

  17. Sorry if this seems basic, but in the beginning you say to collect 1000 Cobalt before phase II, but then you say to skip Cobalt until you have advanced. Was slightly confusing. Which do I do?

  18. The reason we do this is to get some seed capital; that’s why we’re only doing 1,000 at that point. We pursue the 10,000+ later when we have the advanced mining laser. So make sure you mine the 1,000 units by step 39 of Phase II, even though you don’t have the advanced mining laser just yet.

  19. Just wanted to say Thanks. I have already started the game. Although, I will follow your guide from where I am. The game and your guide are awesome.

  20. Thank You for such a comprehensive guide! Actually I found it after getting my 10M by excavating bones and after that I just did loom 60+ system loop to get a billion. Fortunately I have found S-Class multitool and turn it to a 24 Slot rifle by using planet manual save trick. Anyway, I think You need to get some guild/race ranks before starting collecting missions along loom trading loop so can you clarify that? I has some ranks already when I started loop by if new player will follow your guide to the letter from very beginning I think it can be a problem.
    PS.: Also I just found nice S-Class 38+12 Explorer, may be this is a new ship added by Beyond so it’s definitely better than 38+8. Coordinates on signal booster are SETKM:0ec0:0082:066d:00b0 and it’s in Euclid galaxy. Playing on PC, I heard that pools are different for consoles.

  21. Thanks a ton for the feedback! When one starts, about half of the missions per station are unavailable due to ranking, but I just grab the ones that are (from all 80 stations), then by the time I finish those, I just re-run the 80 stations again (all new missions). Maxing out “standing” happens pretty quickly that way.

    Congrats on the ship find! You should post it in !

  22. Hey man, I really appreciate your guide. I’m very new to the game and its concepts, but having a great time!

    I just completed PART II, Phase I and getting ready to start the 80 System trip. I’m at the bare minimum of the $9M – 20M requirement, $9.1M to be exact. Is this enough to start the next phase, or should I pad an extra $2M on top? I was thinking of spending an hour or so to find 13-15 salvaged tech drops, and sell ~40 @ $50K a pop to do so, or is this wholly unnecessary?

  23. $9.1M should be enough to start the Loom process; just make sure you have the hyperdrive fuel and the 3 Hyperdrive modules (hopefully 1-2 A class) and you should be good to go!

  24. What an excellent guide, I really wish I knew beforehand that you can rename the System and Planets, I was trying to remember them which of course is impossible. Can this guide be done when already started a game and played for about 15 hours? I already did some of the Atlas missions and am in the middle of the base-building missions (The Scientist, Armorer etc.)or should I just start a new game?

  25. Thanks! Well, it’s possible – if you’ve been playing that long you probably already have $10M and can start the Wiring Loom part of the guide (which is how you make >$1B). Give it a shot! That way you don’t have to lose any of your prior efforts. Let me know how it goes!

  26. Haha, no I just have about 1.3 million. I have a few extra exo-slots from the stations and I bought a slightly better multi-tool. I think I’ll keep my save and start a new game with your guide and see how that goes, I dont mind putting in the extra hours.

  27. Excellent guid! I have 150+ hours in my save however I want to start over since it seems my save might have some issues (Been using it since NEXT)

    Just want to confirm is all this still working the same since the latest update yesterday?

  28. I followed your guide, and actually ended wire loom runs with 5 billion credits… Did I do sumtin wrong? 😛 I think that’s because they changed stacks of wire looms to 20 on exosuit from 5. Great guide btw.

  29. Yup, and 40 on cargo slots. I didn’t even finish it, stopped around 30-35 systems, 500m seems enough and I’ll get the rest of the exosuit slots by exploration. Regardless, big thanks for the guide, it helped a lot to understand the basics and have a good start on the game!

  30. Just a couple things I wanted to point out about the guide. In phase IV you mention getting a teleporter setup asap so you can return. You don’t need a teleporter to travel to a base. You can teleport there from a space station even without a teleporter, you simply won’t be able to teleport back.
    Second, the glyph farming. If you follow the story line you end up with all 16 glyphs learned. No need to farm them.

  31. Ahh correct – but if I recall we use the teleporter to get out as well – and to revisit the base (and go back to the station). But you are correct, one doesn’t need a TP to go to a base. While the story will provide the glyphs, farming travelers on stations you’ve already visited is the fastest way (much faster than doing the storyline).

  32. Is it really faster with take off times and everything? I’ve not tested it…I just figured since all you have to do is warp once per glyph to get them. Then again, warping has quite the load time as well. Good point!

    Awesome guide btw. I’m normally not one to use guides but even I had to take some time to read all of this. I had hundreds of hours in before beyond launched, and had almost 80 more in after beyond by the time I read this guide and STILL learned something new. Just plain awesome.

  33. Has cobalt drop been nerfed? It takes forever to farm 15k (took a whole day for half that today) and the thread on steam would indicate I’m not alone with this problem.

  34. I have no idea; let me know if you find out. I haven’t been playing NMS lately and would have to start a new game to verify – I’ll try to get to that over the next few weeks.

  35. I asked a friend who is currently playing NMS to look into this and he said the Cobalt mining was fine and he didn’t notice any changes in price. Perhaps it’s just bad spawns on the planet you’re on? I do remember going into caves and finding only 20% of what other planets had (I ended up flying around to find better caves).

  36. I don’t understand your final statements. When you reach your 1st billion, all your S tech modules, all your S-Class hardware, etc,that’s exactly when the game ends, the fun ends, that’s all.

    You has really wrote an all-the-fun-guide for NMS. When you complete this guide the game is over. There is no more fun to look for.

    Anyway, thank you for your work, it’s a fine guide.

  37. Actually, I believe the game starts at that point. Money only does so much; hunting for new exotic ships, finding new paradise planets and building bases, etc. IMO is where the real end-game is, and money isn’t really a factor with that. Still have to farm those nanites to support everything – plus there’s daily quicksilver missions, unlocking alien languages and more. This guide essentially unlocks all pack slots and gives enough money so a player can focus on what NMS is really about exploring, outfitting, and building 🙂

  38. Pretty sure your cobalt estimates or times are off. I’ve been mining for 3 hours and barely have 6000 cobalt after multiple caves. Then doesn’t it only produce half ionized amount which is now 3000?

  39. The issue is with the random density of the planet; rarely, you’ll get a planet with very little Cobalt. You can also try other caves (fly around a bit more). I ran into this once when I did 5-6 test runs. My friend just followed the guide a few days ago and had no issues at all, so it’s a bit of RNG.

  40. Great guide! Although it probably needs to be updated since the inventory slots went to 20 (40 in cargo). I reached maximum credits around warp 60. I kept going without the sell/buy routine just to add the exosuit slots. I kept trying to find ways to spend money. I was buying frigates every time I saw one.

    I do have one question for you. In the wiring loom loop you state “18. Use the terminal to activate the registration. This is VERY important, and do this right after you name the system. This will ensure the proper system name is in the portal list when you access it!”

    What terminal are you referring to? I must not be doing it right because half my systems get renamed properly and the other half don’t. There also appears to be a limit on how many systems can appear on the teleporter list, because about 10 of the first systems I visited are no longer available to teleport to.

  41. Hey Jeff, thanks for the feedback! I did hear they adjusted the stack limits so we now make more than double the amount than we did when I wrote the guide, so a player will make more than 2 Billion by the end of this guide 🙂 The Terminal reference from step 18 is the Portal Terminal in each station. There is some weirdness with system naming and registration, and I can’t remember the details off the top of my head (apologies), but using the Portal Terminal does something to reaffirm the entry/list. I’ll update Section 18 to more clearly reflect this. Yah, I’ve had systems disappear as well, and I’m not sure why. I’m hoping they do a redux of the System Naming and Portal structure so we don’t need to name systems using a specific naming convention to find them. I hope this helps!

  42. David,
    A follow-up to my previous comments. First of all, this is my second play-thru of the game using your fabulous starting guide. There was a lot I didn’t know/understand about the mid to end game on my first time thru. There was also a lot I didn’t understand while following the guide. I had a terrible base and messed up the Atlas mission so I decided to start over, again using your guide. I’m probably the most anal game player you’ve ever heard from. I have a second monitor and keep a spreadsheet while I play survival/farming games and not just this one. During this run of NMS I kept a list of each system as I visited it along with useful bits of info so I knew where to return to after the exosuit slot/wiring loom run. I learned a couple of things that you might want to include in your guide. With the new inventory size, players will max out their units long before they open every slot in their exosuit. Now I opened cargo slots first, but ultimately that isn’t going to matter. There is a maximum number of units a player can carry – $4,294,967,295 (I have no idea how they arrived at that). By opening cargo slots first, I hit that amount after 41 stations. If you do general slots first, it will take a little longer, but still max out long before the 80th system. I also found out that the teleporter system list will only hold 70 systems. Once you visit that many, the oldest start dropping out. The exception to this is that any systems with open missions (Atlas, Artemis, etc.) will stay on the list, but the next oldest will drop when you hit 70. That can be a problem if you find some great systems/planets early in your wiring loom loop. Even if you write down the names like I do, you can’t teleport to them because they’re no longer on the teleport list. You can, however, teleport back to your starting base/system and follow the trail you left on the galaxy map and warp to old deleted systems again, but that will then cause whatever is the new 71st oldest system to drop off. Kind of a pain if you had some early good systems. I know I had two Paradise planets get ‘deleted’. It seems like the Discoveries list keeps these older systems, but this list has it’s own problems. I’m looking at my current list that is newest on top and oldest on the bottom. My starting system, where the game spawned me, is 12th from the bottom. There are 11 systems that I apparently ‘discovered’ before I even started the game. Each of those has a little icon beside them denoting that another player actually discovered them. I know I never visited them (my trusty spreadsheet). I have no idea what they are doing on my Discoveries list. You mentioned it in your guide about keeping some notes. You might emphasize that point a little more.

    I recognize that your guide is most useful for beginners of NMS and I don’t suggest you add too much that can complicate an already very complicated process. I will tell you about one thing I did differently and that was to refuse the first freighter after that early battle. Here’s where I get complicated. I continued the loop and I always hopped out and back into my ship before leaving for the next warp to create a Save. Eventually, you get another ‘save the freighter’ battle when dropping in to a new system. I take a look at the type of freighter that appears and if it isn’t one I like, I restart and jump to a different system and REMEMBER THE NAME OF THE SYSTEM. You’ll still drop in on a freighter battle. I keep trying a different system until I see a class of freighter I like. Here you can complete the battle, land inside the freighter, hop out of your ship, scan the freighter while standing beside your ship (don’t need to talk to the Captain). If it a low class or not many slots, restart and warp back to this system and repeat the battle. You may not get an S-Class, but an A-Class 34 slot is easy. AND IT IS FREE! (Of course with 4 billion units, who cares!) To aid finding the same system on the Galaxy map, I use a waypoint before I jump to each new system.

    I read one of your followers mention that they had trouble finding Cobalt. This time thru the game, I had terrible planets in my starting system. My first base beside the settlement (per the guide) was on a poisonous fungal planet. The caves had almost no Cobalt. Eventually I flew to another planet and looked for free parking near a cave. I found plenty of cobalt there.

    Again, thanks for the effort in putting this guide together.

    You don’t have to post this, if you feel it may complicate things even more than they are. Just thought I’d share my game play after following your guide.

  43. First, thanks a ton for the thoughtful feedback – I appreciate it! You are 100% correct, the game only remembers the last 70 systems, sorting based on if you’ve built there, etc. I need to update the guide to reflect this. The reason we take the first freighter in the guide is so we have the instant storage>TO space since we complete the guide in our starter ship (with limited slots). But I’m glad you did this write-up and people who read this guide can learn from your experience. I might want to also mention some starts can be so bad, it’s worth starting again (if there’s no Cobalt). It seems pretty rare though (I think <10%) but it happens.

  44. Nice guide.

    One thing I had problems with was the farming of eggs for nanites. I couldn’t get them to re-spawn the way you describe or any other way actially apart from time. I’m guessing thats been fixed.

  45. Interesting; I haven’t heard of any changes in this area. Are you sure you’re flying far enough? Try flying out further and seeing if they respawn. Let me know!

  46. By the way it looks like you’re right – they changed something here. This means a player will need to find multiple egg farming locations and cycle them. I’ll update the guide to reflect this. Thanks for bringing it to my attention!

  47. I’m also interested in the mechanic for the loom run. Does the market adjust in your favour as you buy and sell more?

    I ask because I purchased a bunch of Looms for 7.3mil. Went to the next T3 system and sold for 4.5mil. The re-buy was 5.4mil. So i’m struggling to see how this works out. Reloaded my save at that stage 🙂

  48. My guess is the market was already crashed in that system (e.g. you had played there before and sold them) because I’ve never had that issue – every new system I visit always buys them at a profit. Please let me know if you figure out what happened so I can update the guide if necessary.

  49. Hey, I had the same problem when i started the loom run. I had ~45mil and dropped down to ~35mil before i went up to ~49mil (when it started working like a charm). Maybe the initial amount was too low to have an impact on the price, idk ?

    great guide btw

  50. I followed the entire guide to the letter until the wiring loom was sold. Until the sale of cobalt everything is ok (we manufacture cobalt and introduce it in large quantities in the market so as to bring down the price and buy it back at -78% to reach 13,000,000). Unfortunately, with wiring loom it doesn’t happen (maybe due to some NMS update). Once you buy the 120 wiring loom at 40,000 each in very rich systems you can’t sell it for more than 25,000 and buy it back for less than 34,000, in the poorest systems the same thing happens. Maybe I skipped some steps ?!

  51. The list only stores the last 70 places you’ve visited; and if you didn’t build a base, it prioritizes the systems that have a base. It could be the systems just “fell off the list”. They really need to fix the 70 limit system list problem. IMO it’s a big issue with a game like this (where you visit hundreds of systems).

  52. Thanks! Investigating this now as many people have reported issues – it looks like the latest patch did change some things. I’ll post what I learn as soon as it’s confirmed.

  53. It looks like the latest patch may have changed something, so I’m looking into this. I’ll let you know as soon as I have more information confirming if there was a market value change – and how we can address it. Thanks!

  54. Hey guys! Amazing guide! It helped me to understand a lot of things on the game. Sadly, the cobalt part didnt worked for me. I was buying from npc at the station and I ran out of money so I was able to buy just 10k cobalt and 4k ionized cobalt. What Im doing wrong?

  55. There’s some weird stuff going on with the market tied to pricing and selling (with cobalt and looms). I’m investigating these changes to try and better understand them, and when I do, I’ll upgrade the guide. I think the safe thing right now is to double the amount to ensure you have enough to begin the processes.

  56. I gotta say it’s SO unfair for this update to remove the loom exploit/manipulation. So basically there are a handful of players who were able to quickly make over 1 billion in credits but now no one else can?!?! Now that I know what I’m missing out on is the game even worth playing??? I’ve heard great things about The Outer Worlds maybe I’ll play that now instead of playing a game that anoints whatever small percentage of players to have absolute creative freedom and the rest of us have to grind out uncountable hours to get the same. Don’t get me wrong, of course there should be some perks to have gotten into the game earlier but the disparity between what ppl have been able to have compared to those who can no longer get it is complete bullshit. I’m not someone who easily rants to the internet (because what’s the point?) but with HG stopping this now THREE FUCKING YEARS into the game it sure prompted me to do so and makes me just feel like “fuck it” about the game.

    Also, super not mad at you dude! This was a well thought out and put together guide. That shit takes a lot of time and effort. I certainly don’t want you to think that I’m ungrateful. Everyone has a very busy life and for you to do that for the NMS community is really cool thing for you to do. My only suggestion is putting a banner up top to notify everyone that the loom market manipulation is down. That way newcomers don’t waste their time with it.

    Thanks for this guide, tips, and effort you put into this!

  57. Well, it does still work – a buddy of mine just started the guide again 2 days ago from scratch and while he had problems at the beginning, once he got going, he was rolling in the $ (was at 1BN by the 60th or so system). So the guide still works, it just seems we might need more starting capital than before (perhaps 15M vs. the 8M). I’m still investigating the details and will update the guide as soon as I have more information.

    Honestly, I want them to do a complete redux of the economy and add an end-game money sink. NMS desperately needs one 🙂

  58. Awesome guide !

    I think we simply need to sell more of an item to crash the market completely now, so it’s slower at the start.

    My main problem is finding wealthy systems to warp to, this sometimes takes several minutes for me, is there a trick to finding them ?

  59. Thanks! I think you’re correct – we need a larger capital base to get started (double is good). And yes, installing an Economy Scanner on your ship will allow you to quickly identify wealthy system – it’s outlined in the guide (Phase III – Item 6). Let me know if this helps, or if you have any additional questions!

  60. To continue to earn millions (not being able to use the wiring loom) you only need to repurchase all the cobalt (also ionized) and resell it in another system trying to double the quantities each time (time, patience and many spaces will unfortunately be needed) I have collected 40 ‘000’000 in 4 systems starting with 5000 cobalt and 5000 ionized cobalt (which then become 10,000 and 10,000 by buying at -77%)

  61. Thanks for the reply.

    I know you need the Economy Scanner, but it can still takes a few minutes to actually find a high wealth system, maybe I am just unlucky with the systems I click on.
    I wish it had a filter that colored the system based on their wealth.

  62. Yah, even with the scanner, you can just have bad luck and get a cluster of systems with few solid economies – but you are checking for the 8 different variations, correct? Advanced, Affluent, Booming, Flourishing, High Supply, Opulent, Prosperous and Wealthy.

  63. First up, have to say thank you so much for this guide! Being new to NMS and feeling kind of overwhelmed by how to generate enough income to afford things, I’m grateful that you’ve provided a valuable service such as this!

    During my initial playthrough a few days ago, I was having a lot of difficulty at the Phase III point, as wiring looms in high economy systems weren’t selling for as much as per your guide. Perhaps it’s nerfs or just some bad luck on my part so I opted to scratch my save after reading the comments here. I guess it didn’t help that through the first 3 systems none of the stations would allow me to buy ionized cobalt.

    Starting a new save, I’m going to attempt two differences with an initial startup slush fund of attempting to crash the market with 20k cobalt and 10k ionized cobalt, as well as using Belward’s cobalt strategy of doubling quantity with each system jump.

    I have to agree as well with BobMaster that a lack of wealth filter with the economy scanner installed in the galaxy map makes things more time-consuming and potentially frustrating. Still keeping an eye out for those 8 variations all the same.

    Thanks again for all the time and effort you’ve spent putting the guide together.

  64. Morning Moose! Yes, there was an undocumented change and I believe the issue is it takes more looms to crash the market (roughly double) – but once you get that initial crash, it all falls back into line. I’m thinking the player needs ~15M vs. the 7.5M to start – but the good news is they stack double what they once did. Let me know what the outcome is – I should be updating the guide soon – I’ve just had my hands full with other projects. Thanks a ton!

  65. I started the loom selling and buying process with 20 mil and 24 open inventory slots and had no problems with making units fast using your process. Thank you for putting this together!!

  66. Hi there.

    Thanks for your extensively guide!

    After reading all the comments, may I ask, which method I should go? The one Belward posted, making money by buying and selling cobalt the same way you did with the wiring looms? Or the method with the wiring looms?

    Which is more effective? Which takes longer?

  67. Thanks for the feedback BCN! Yes, I think we’re looking at roughly 2x the amount of $ to get started, but once the process starts, it works great. Seems it’s just harder to crash the market now.

  68. Well, it seems one needs a greater investment in the first step of selling wiring looms than before (roughly 2x) so what I’d do is use whatever method you can (including Cobalt) to make ~$15M vs. $7.5M and buy as many looms as you can for the $15M and that should work fine from that point onward.

  69. Am a new player to NMS and after having searched around for a good Guide to starting out, I must say that yours is the best and most concise one out there.. most of the others (vids and written) do not bother to explain anything to the new players (I guess assuming that the viewers are already familiar with the ins and outs of the game), but you do a great job of explaining all the nuances of your path.. i did find one thing though after running thru this a few times, if you do not get a system that will sell you Ionized Cobalt in the first 3 systems, you can keep looking till you do and THEN start your loops since making the Warp Fuel does not take a whole lot of effort, or at least that worked for me the last 2 times i ran thru it.. 😉 again though, Great job and Thanks so much 🙂

  70. Thanks for the feedback and support Khan! That’s a great idea for those who get a bad luck RNG start 🙂 Glad the guide worked for you! For the next update, I just need to find the specific time it takes for the Whispering Eggs to respawn…

  71. First off thanks for the guide. I am closing in on my first 1 Billion, couple things I noticed I cannot move things to my frigate from anywhere and I cannot bring it to me if I am too far away, the error is cannot warp there, so maybe I did something wrong. Something I did notice was if you find a system with A class Hyperdrive, and you teleport back to the prior system then back to the one the one with A class, you can buy the A class again.

    But Thanks again

  72. You have to be a certain distance from the space station and nearest planet to summon your Freighter, and I believe Synthesis added a module that allows instant transport between your freighter and the player (or your ship). So you can’t dock with your freighter (the one that has the landing bay) and move items between the inventories?

  73. I’ve done the initial selling of Cobalt and have only ended up with 10m. To get the 15m before the looms, what should I do next? I’ve come this far so I don’t want to make a mistake!

  74. Keep flipping Cobalt; buy it all up to crash the market, then buy from ships on the station (with the crashed prices). Then fly to the next system, sell everything (crashing) then buy it all up again from the ships. I recommend getting at least $20M to start the loom process in Synthesis.

  75. Sorry I did not respond early, I finally figured out that you have to be in the Freighters Hanger to move to its Inventory. For some reason I thought you could put it in freighter Inventory anywhere you were, but had to fly to it, to take it out.

    One question, I got to part for turning in Nav Data, but the cartographer only sells for Nanites, I believe, but maybe I am wrong.

    But once again thanks for the guide. I ended up with all the slots and 1.7 Billion in the bank.

  76. Okay, now I feel like a dummy, when you exchange with the Carographer, they are exchanging the Nav Data to Maps. It was not very clear on that in the game. But I finally figured it out

  77. Hello, any news about egg respawn time? I depend on this to build collecting spots as I have three abandoned buildings close by my home base. Thank you!

  78. Yup! Here’s the new workaround:

      Take a port from your “egg” planet to a planet in another system.
      Get in your ship and fly into space. Summon Anomaly.
      Dock with Anomaly, get out of your ship (which creates an auto-save).
      Go to Anomaly teleporter and port back to your Egg Base (starting point).

    Everything should be refreshed. Good luck!

  79. That didn’t work unfortunately. I did it all both reloading the save via start menu and not reloading. 🙁

  80. Hmm; sounds like they patched it. Here’s another method that does work, and it’s an alternative to egg hunting.

    Gather 200 Gamma Root or Fungal Mold and , using the Nutrient Processor (NP) do the following:
    • Create 200 Slevart Beans. They are processed in batches of 50.
    • Take 150 of the beans and create 150 Steamed Vegetables.
    • Process two batches of 50 Steamed Vegetables (at the same time) to create 50 Flavorsome Sauce.
    • Place the remaining 50 Slevart Beans in the NP with the remaining 50 Steamed Vegetables to produce 50 Fibrous Stew.
    • Place the 50 Fibrous Stew and 50 Flavorsome Sauce in the NP to produce 50 Delicious Vegetable Stew.

    Take the Delicious Vegetable Stew to Kronos in the Anomaly and give them to him to taste. He will give you between 40 and 129 nanites for each of the 50.

  81. Kronos got sick of eating that much, but I was given 5237 nanites for 50 delicious vegetable stew. Hehhehehe! I’d really like to build around an abandoned building and make a reneable egg farm, please let me know when this strategy is back to the game. For now I’ll become a master cook. Thank you very much for your timely help!!!

  82. You’re welcome; glad it worked! If I find a functional way to regenerate the eggs, I’ll be sure to let you know; but until then, this method should give you what you need. Happy hunting!

  83. I’m a new player, but when I found this guide I had already done a few of the steps so I kind of went for the main money maker part. I kept all my Cobalt, but proceeded to follow the guide by using Wiring Loom to crash the market. After 20 or so systems I went back to my base and exchanged the Wiring Loom for Cobalt. Right now, it’s more profitable to use Cobalt rather than Wiring Loom. My Inventory is half empty (got all General slots) and I make 15mill profit from cobalt as opposed to Wiring Loom (with every slot maxed out), which I make around 9mill profit.

    All of this to ask, why is Wiring Loom used instead of Cobalt? I’m assuming it has to do with when your slots are all full?

  84. Hey Ricardo, the key is to crash the market – so you need to buy enough to crash the market (which is why you need ~$15M to get started). If you spend less than that, it’s not enough to crash. Once you crash the market, you should be solid. Let me know if you need more details – good luck!

  85. Very good guide. Congrats, dude!

    After the 80 system run, I ended up with 1.7b, an S-ship, an S-multitool and a A-ship.

    I tries go hunting an S-ship I liked to a Trade Post but got tired of it. I see none S after an hour.

    The egg hunting is not working (video). They don’t re-spawn after passing the 2nd line of asteroids.

    I guess there are plenty of updates going around.

    All in all, very useful, indeed. Thanks

  86. Had same problem as someone else, Bought 200 wiring looms, did the sell and buy back bit throughout the loop, and about halfway through noticed I was missing half my units. Went from 15 million to 7 million in 10-15 minutes. What the heck is going on?!

  87. Hey, I’m running through this guide right now, just topped 400 mill at about 7 1/2 hours, I had already played the game for about 2 hours when I started. Thank you so much for taking the time to do this!!! it has been extremely helpful to me!
    A question: you can buy Cargo slots for your exosuit at the beginning I think instead of the regular slots right? If so, players should focus on those before their regular slots because now cargo holds 40 inventory of Looms vs the 20 in regular!
    I also noticed confusion above on how many looms it take to crash the market, I started my loom running with spending 12 mil on the looms and it worked fine for me!!

  88. Great to hear! There have been a number of changes since the guide was written – I hope to update it this summer. If I recall I didn’t focus on Cargo slots because it just wasn’t necessary (we make so much $ anyway) but you can definitely do that. I think the #’s have also changed, which is why the crash requirements may be different too. Thanks for the feedback – I’ll be sure to post a notification when the guide is upated!

  89. I love your guide. I’m super new to NMS and reading through your guide was better than any YouTube video I could find. One thing I realized as a newbie to the game is that because the game is event-driven, if I used the caves to recharge my exosuit, it would never show me the location of my ship until I actually would re-charge it with the Sodium.

  90. I must be doing something wrong in the Loom selling phase. I started with 180 I was able to afford, moved to a new system that had High Wealth economy, gathered everything, checked shops, then proceeded to sell all Looms in my inventory. However, I would walk away with less units than I made, unable to buy back the same amount of Looms for the next system (Let alone even more for the trick to work). I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong, unless this has been fixed somehow?

  91. Edit: I realized it took a bit more capital to flood the market properly before seeing a good return, my bad. Thank you for the guide, it’s been really helpful with how in depth it is compared to other resources for a beginner.

  92. Many thanks for this guide! I am station hopping selling looms right now, everything is fine except I have a very hard time finding wealthy systems in the galactic map, not only is it time consuming but often I simply cannot find one in range, so I end up warping to any system Instead.

    So 2 questions about that:

    1 – is there a trick to finding the wealthy systems? The colours don’t help …
    2 – why are we looking for wealthy? Is it because of more profit on the Looms or is it to try to find S class tool/ship?

    If it’s just for the s-class, I might skip this for now just for the sake of speed.

    Thanks again!

  93. Morning! You need the economy scanner, and you are correct, color doesn’t have anything to do with a system’s economy (you have to mouseover each one to get that). I think this is by design. Note it’s not just wealthy, you are looking for: Advanced, Affluent, Booming, Flourishing, High Supply, Opulent, Prosperous, and Wealthy. Additional details can be found here:

  94. About missing Looms, if you don’t wait a few seconds for your account balance to settle after selling, you aren’t able to buy all of them back. And sometimes you can’t buy _any_ of them back unless you wait. Discovered this after having to reload several times because of missing Looms.

    Also to speed up manual saving, I just do an auto save at the station before taking the portal to my base, then manual save, then re-load the auto save. This saves having to farm up carbon to power the base portal.

    It would be difficult to overstate the value of this guide. It’s fantastic. No Man’s Sky is going on Game Pass for Xbox this month so I expect this to get a lot of traffic.

  95. Wondering if the market crash mechanic has been patched. Just sold over 200 looms on the market and now only 135 are there for me to buyback. Doesn’t look like it adds what you sell to the stack on the market.

  96. I can confirm that the Whispering Eggs eventually respawn. Someone on Reddit said it’s every 24 hours, but I’ve seen them after 12-18 hours. I tried all the travel tricks and none of those worked for me. It could be something else triggered the respawn, as I just played normally after attempting to trigger it, but at this point I believe you just have to wait. Also that Pilgrim is a beast against those monstrosities- it squishes those bugs instantly and completes all the “kill predator” missions, too.

    Prioritize that Pilgrim. The scanner on it is second to none, since it locates most (all?) of the structures we’re seeking. Insanely good.

    There were several posts here indicating that the moneymaking doesn’t work. Almost all the differences between this guide and the latest xbox version of the game are positive for us and pretty insignificant. I sold looms until my exosuit was fully upgraded and ended up with 1.5B units. I had so much cobalt from the first mine I found that my starting cash was well above the high end stated here. This guide is still accurate and superior.

  97. My apologies, but I’m not sure. I’ll be returning to NMS some time this summer (if all goes well) and updating the guide appropriately 🙂

  98. @Blue Jones – I just completed this a couple of days ago; see the post immediately above yours. I had the same problem as you because I was trying to buy back before my account balance stopped incrementing. Once I learned to wait a few seconds, my problems went away. Hopefully your experience is because of the same thing.

  99. Hi, thanks for this great guide! I’m completely new to the game and it really helps out! Somethings are not always completely clear to me (I wasn’t aware I could by stuff directly from NPC’s) and I’m currently a little bit stuck at a particular step: Phase III – step 1.
    It mentions buying ships, but I’m going to do that, it will set me back around 12 million units. Which will then leave me without enough units for the further steps. Should I just skip this step right now and continue without buying a new ship? I have around 15 million unit and all other necessary items (warp cells), but i’m still 2 hyperdrive modules short.

    Thanks in advance!

  100. It’s been a bit since I wrote the guide, so the details aren’t fresh in my memory. The core should still work with the latest version but I know there were some adjustments on prices. I’ve had friends tell me the guide is still solid though, however there may have been some minor adjustments that throw things off just a bit. Since you’re transporting the looms with your character (exosuit) I don’t think a new ship is necessary with just $15M. If I recall, I recommend purchasing a new ship long after that… Can you point me to the exact section of the guide you’re having issues with? Phase III doesn’t tell me what part 🙂

  101. Odd you write that we can’t use the cobalt mining with only 250/500 stack size, I did just that, until I hit 30 million. It took a while since i also maxed out inventory space while doing it and I stopped now and then on interesting planets and found some glyphs, but the travellers have been oddly rare for me. When I had maxed out my inventory I began the loom runs, found an exotic ship and upgraded my freighter from 17 (yes cruddy one) to 26 slots.

    I first found this guide when I had hit those 30mill (and all those millions spent) and changed from cobalt to looms and then it really took off, but cobalt works just fine…

    While doing it I stacked up on quests too (kill animals, feed animals, photograph stuff, kill sentinels, kill quads) but for units/nanites/stuff to sell) and the gifts from the guild kept my warpdrive full and I picked up tons of upgrades too for my ship, multitool and suit.

  102. Thanks for the great guide! I followed it through the last week or so and I just finished the Loom/Upgrade run. My suit is maxed out at ~jump 75, 1.5bn.

    I do have a quick question (which may help the guide): At the end of the 80 system loop, do I NOT buy back the looms, and just leave them in the market? Or do I buy them back and leave them in the freighter?

    You say to mark the last system of the loom trade in case you wannt to to return to it, but my concern is that if I sell my looms to the market, and eventually come back, the market is going to forget about the “extras” I dumped into it at some point. Is this not the case?

    Thanks again for the fantastic startup!

  103. Thanks a ton for the support! Sadly, it’s been so long since I wrote the guide and played NMS I honestly cannot remember! If it’s in the process of buying and selling, you definitely keep doing that – just continued the process and you’ll be solid! But if you have $1.5Bn, I’d look into setting up large-scale mining operations – you can make more money that way. I hope this helps! Have a great week!

  104. Following your guide on Permadeath atm and it is super effective. Second system and only salvageable scraps, so my first 10M° will be a bit tricky. Having a blast so far.

  105. Thanks! I’m actually in the middle of writing the updated guide for Origins; a LOT has changed (including addressing the Cobalt issue). I hope to have it released this weekend!

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